Chapter one

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I went to a charter school for most of my years in school. It was nice but eventually mom decided to have us change schools from a charter school to a public high school in the middle of March. She said that we'd know a lot more people there than at our last school. I wasn't entirely sure about her other reasons, but I was content with leaving that previous school. My brother Lovino however knew the school more than I did and Was far more excited than I was. It apparently was his boyfriend's school. I didn't care though. I knew that my buddy Kibris would be there, but he was just the neighbor kid that I'd talk to now and then.
Despite everything though, it wasn't too bad. On my first day, I made a few friends. One was my half brother Francis, the other was my locker buddy Ludwig. And the last friend I made was Gupta. I had Gupta in three out of my seven classes.
After a couple weeks though, I was going to make a new friend who'd change my life.
I was hanging out with Kibris during lunch, watching him play soccer with a couple of his other friends. I was fairly invested, but to be honest, I was paying more attention to the guy who clearly had a sprained knee but was still playing. I had him in all of my classes and was honestly a little surprised to see him there. He wore kaki shorts with a dark green hoodie tied to his waist and a black tee shirt. He was quite the interesting guy as he seemed to be their best player and he mocked everyone in a way that made it seem like he was flirting with them. I was too focused on what he was doing that I failed to notice that the ball was in the air and heading towards my face.
I fell backwards and hit the back of my head on the assfault. I laid on the ground utterly dazed and confused for a few minutes. All of the other boys were freaking out over what to do, all but the one with a sprained knee. He walked up to me. He passed the ball over to Kibris.
"I'll go take him to the nurse's office." He helped me stand up, "can you walk?"
"Yeah." I stated.
"Good." He picked up my backpack and took my hand. I followed him, but I struggled to walk straight. My head hurt like crazy and I was super dizzy. I honestly walked like I was drunk. He didn't seem to mind though.
"You most likely have a concussion. I've had a few of those before. You should be fine unless you puke. That's when you might need to go to the hospital. I suggest you don't go to bed tonight and don't go to school tomorrow, ok?"
"Ok.." I nodded slightly but it hurt to move my head around.
We got to the nurse's office, the nurse looked up, "oh, hello again Sadiq, how's that knee of yours doing? Does the knee brace fit?"
"No time for that Mrs.Thibbideu, I think he has a concussion."
"Oh, that's not good. Should I call your parents?" She faced me.
"I don't know. Dad won't care, and mom's at work."
Sadiq glanced over to me, concern flashed through his eyes, "well, I have him in all of my classes. If anything bad does happen, I'll bring him here immediately."
"Ok, works for me." The nurse shrugged.
Sadiq took my hand, "alright, well, let's get to art."
I followed. His hands were freezing, but I didn't mind. We got to the art room, he said hi to the art teacher and explained the situation. The teacher decided that since my table only had me, it wouldn't hurt if he moved to my table. I was a little disappointed to find that my desolate table wouldn't consist of just me, but it was nice to know that it would be him.
He put our stuff in the empty seats. He then positioned himself in the seat in front of my own. He had me sit down while he left to get our supplies. We were in our ceramics unit, and while class didn't start for another twenty minutes, I got the feeling that Sadiq hated doing nothing. He got to work.
I had a hard time staying focused and mostly had my head on the table for the remainder of the day. Sadiq tried to make conversation, and if i didn't feel like shit, I'm sure I would have spoken more. He had a lot of interesting things to say. It turned out that the school would be holding auditions for their next play in a few weeks and he'd be auditioning. The play was Romeo and Juliet, and he wanted the role of mercutio. It seemed interesting. I considered joining myself.
When it came time to go home, he drove me home. It turned out he lived a couple blocks away.
"Thank you Sadiq," I got out of the car.
"No problem. Now remember, you shouldn't go to school tomorrow with that concussion. It wouldn't do you any favors. Trust me, I've done it before. Besides I'm sure that today must have sucked. Again, I'm sorry the ball hit your face."
"It wasn't your fault. Thanks again." I waved as he drove away.
Lovino preferred to spend some time playing soccer with Antonio after school and then Antonio would drive him home so I didn't have to worry about him coming home late, or worrying about how I got home. He honestly couldn't care less. Mom was the same. She expected us to find our own way home, whether it be by bus or a friend. I found it a little concerning how much trust mom gave us. She was a good mother, no doubt about that, but she seemed to be indifferent to a lot of things. It was a little concerning.
"Hey mom, how was work?"
"Oh, you're home early. It was fine. How was school?"
"I got a concussion during lunch."
"Oh. Well I hope you can still go to school tomorrow."
"The nurse said it would be a better idea not to."

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