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"Approaching drop zone, prepare to jump," the operator said through our head sets as I pulled the bolt back on my rifle to check for a round in the chamber. "You look nervous, Region," Bones said to me as he put on his face mask, which looked like that of a skull. "I don't have a good feeling about this objective," I replied as I released the bolt to allow it to slid shut before checking my pistol, "I've heard stories about Geneticus and none of them were pleasant". "I heard they do some fucked up shit to people inside," Rig said as he slowly loaded his shotgun, "turn them into mutated freaks or something. Same thing with animals too". "And that's why we're going in to end it," Captain Price said as he stood up with his rifle a crossed his chest and a cigar in his mouth, "those bastards won't know what hit them. They may have numbers inside but we have fire power and a lot of it". "30 seconds to drop zone," the pilot said again as the back batch of the plane slowly opened, causing Bones to stand up and walk over to the large crate that sat near the back hatch before turning on its remote parachute. "Alright men," Captain said as he walked to the side of the crate so him and Bones could push it out, "you know what to do, we jump on my mark". "10 seconds to drop zone," the pilot said as I moved to the back of the crate and got ready to push. "Get over here rig," Price yelled as the light turned green near the hatch, causing Rig to get next to me, "we jump on my mark. 3...2...1...mark". Rig gasped as we pushed the crate out of the plane, falling down towards a large tower on he top of hill over looking the city of Geldin. My stomach turned as we descended rapidly towards the building, still holding onto the crate to keep it steady. "Bones, get ready to pull the chute on my mark," Price said as we all let go of the crate, slowly gliding away from it, "3...2...1...mark". The remote chute activated after Bones clicked the detonator that was on his wrist, before we pulled out own chutes. "Shit, someone's in the roof," Bones called out as we descended, causing him to grab hold of his silenced rifle, "should I take the shot". "If you can kill him in one," I replied while I pulled out my knife, "or I can do it the old fashion way". "It's to dark to get a confirm kill shot," he replied as he nodded to me, causing me to nod in response before speeding up my descent. The guard on the roof appeared to be holding a small sub-machine gun in one hand and a flashlight in the other. I hesitated as I neared the roof, unclipping my parachute when I was only about four feet above the roof directly behind the guard. After hitting the ground with a roll, I grabbed ahold of his mouth before slicing his throat with one quick slice. He gaged slightly as he fell limp, allowing me to slowly lower him to the ground while the others landed on the roof with the crate directly behind them. "So recap me on what's in the crate," Rig asked as they removed their parachutes. "It's a gravity bomb," Bones said as he began opening up the crate, "it's going to level this building and most likely level this hill to the rest of the landscape". "Why couldn't we have just come in on helicopter," Rig asked as I moved towards the entrance to the stairwell. "We have to clear out the building for civilians first," Price said as Bones finished preparing the bomb, "I ain't havin any civilian casualties on my record and you as hell shouldn't have any either". "Can we keep it down a little bit please," I said to them before peeking into the stairwell, "I'd like to do this without being caught". Price nodded as I pulled out a silencer and began screwing it onto the end of my rifle while making my way into the stairwell. It was dead silent inside, making me nervous as we moved down several floors before entering what appeared to be a lab space. It seemed deserted as most of the equipment was covered with dust and cobwebs. "Where is everyone," Rig asked as we looked around the lab, "and why was there a guard if no one is here". "There are people here, we just have to find the right floor," I replied just before something shifted across the room before slipping out the door. "The hell was that," Bones asked as we all began moving towards the sound with our rifles ready, "it looked like a large dog". "Let follow it," Rig said as he hurried silently across the room with the rest of us behind him, "maybe it will lead us to something". "Hopefully something good," Bones said while we entered another stairwell. "This place is giving off a really strange vive," Price said softly, "I'm getting chills from this silence". "Just keep your eyes peeled, we don't know what could be in here," I said as we began moving down the stairwell. "What floor are we on anyways," Rig asked as Bones looked at his GPS on his wrist, "cause we can't possibly sweep this whole building".. "Floor 134, we've already gone down 16 floors," Bones replied as something shuffled below us on the stairwell, "we only need to check the top fifty floors, that's were we were told their maybe civilians". Rig nodded nervously as we moved out of the stairwell into what appeared to be some sort of holding floor, large cages and cells filled most of the room. "What the hell," Price said as he moved towards one of the cells that appeared to contain some sort of mutated wolf with three heads, "what kind of shit are they doing here". "That thing is huge," Bones said as it looked over at us with all three of its head before turning away, "it's the size of a dire wolf". "Um...guys, there's a child in one of these cells," Rig said as he moved towards the one of the cells before tapping the glass, "he looks to be 'bout seven". "He seems scared," Bones said as we moved over to the cell, seeing a small child cowering in the corner. He had bright blue eyes with jet black hair that looked greasy from lack of cleaning. "Get the door open," I said as I stepped towards the glass. "What if he's dangerous," Rig asked as he turned towards me, "we don't know what he can do". "And we don't know what he's been though," I said, "just open the door. Remember why we entered the building in the first place". Rig looked unsure before nodding and messing with the pad lock next to the cell before the glass slid open. The child cowered away even more as it was trying to disappear within the corner of the cell. "Hey, it's ok," I said softly as I placed my rifle on the ground and reached my hand towards him, "I want to help you, I'm not here to hurt you". The boy slowly looked up at me as I inched towards him, allowing me to see the fear slowly leave his eyes as he shifted slightly. "I want to get you out of here, would you like that," I asked him softly as I stopped only a few feet away from him with my hand extended. He paused for a moment as he looked at my hand before giving me a nodded and taking my hand. "That's it," I said as he followed me out of the cell, "is there anyone else that is imprisoned here like you". He shook his head slowly before opening his mouth to speak. "T...t...the others a...are d...dead," he replied softly, struggling through his words as he seemed to have a dry throat. "Shit," Rig muttered as he walked a few feet away while I pulled out a small canteen of water. "Here," I said as I opened it and gave it to the boy, "drink this, it will help your throat". "I guess we evac than," Price said as the boy quickly chugged the water like he hadn't had a drink for several hours. "I'll call in the extraction team," Bones said as he pulled out a radio and walked to the far side of the room. The boy sighed as he finished the canteen before handing it back to me to discard into my bag. "It's about time we ge..." Price said just before an alarm began blaring as the doors of the cages and cells opened, causing several of the inhabitants to rush out with snarls. "Open fire," Rig shouted as he shot down the three headed wolf, whom was charging at him with foaming mouths. "Bones," I shouted as I picked up the kid and rushed toward the stairs, "help me get the child out of here". "What about your weapon," he shouted as he shot down several wolves with different mutations that made them look deformed. "I'll get it once I know you can take him up to the roof," I shouted as I got to the door and set down the child. "Give me a second," he replied as one of the wolves bit down on his arm before he slammed it to the ground and stomped its head flat. "Look at me," I said to the child, "Bones is going to take you to the roof where we will have another group that will take you. You have to trust them, ok". The boy nodded quickly as Bones came up to me before offering me his pistol. "You need this," he said before turning to the boy, "can you run". The boy nodded before they both headed into the stairwell as I turned to see Price wrestling a wolf that had its mouth split into down the middle to create a left and right bottom jaw as well as a left and right top jaw. It snapped at Price's face before Rig came up and kicked the bastard off of him, allowing me to shot it with Bones' pistol. "These fuckers are pissing me off," Price shouted as he smashed the head of the wolf I just shot. "Calm down Price. No need to get aggressive right now," Rig said as he picked up my rifle and tossed it to me, "you might need this". "Thanks," I said as I caught it, "let's head up the stairs". He nodded before there was a large roar coming from both stairwells, causing me to freeze in fear. "I think we should take the elevator," Rig said as he ran over to it and pushed the button to call it, showing it was only three floors below. "Good plan," Price said as the door opened than we rushed inside, seeing large shadows enter the room as the door closed. Rigs swallowed nervously as he looked like he was in shock before breaking down. "Fuck fuck fuck..." He muttered as he wiped the sweat off his forehead, "this...this is to much, who the hell would do what ever the fuck we just experienced". "I haven't got a clue, but..." I started before the elevator lurked before sliding slightly down, "we have to get out". "Fuck this shit," Price growled as he pried open the doors to find we had stopped right in front of floor with the door opened. "Here's our stop then," I said as I climbed out just before the elevator slid again. "Shit," Price shouted as he quickly scrambled out with Rig right behind him. The elevator shifted again as Rigs got pinned between the top of the door and the floor, causing him to cry out in pain. "No no no no," Price shouted as he grabbed Rigs hand before the elevator dropped, tearing Rig in half before pulling him into the shaft as he let go of Price, "RIG". I gasped as Price stared into the elevator shaft in shock before the a roar came from the stairwell. "We have to go," I said as I grabbed Price and lead him to the stairwell were we ran up the last few floors to the top floor. The sound of Bones crying out in pain was the first thing I hear as we emerged from the stairwell before seeing him flying a crossed the room. He was sparking with electricity as he slammed into the wall with a large hole burned into the center of his chest. "None of you will be leaving this place," a voices shouted as I turned to find a man dressed in a suit walking towards Bones. "Stay away from him," Price said as he shot several rounds at the man, watching each of them somehow curve around him as he stopped moving. "You fools think you can just come here and destroy my work," he growled as he began moving towards us, "you will all perish for what you have done". "Oh God," I said as he formed a ball of energy in his hand and launched it at us. I dove out of the way, sliding to Bones before Price started shooting at the man again. "Your ignorance is quite an annoyance," he said as he moved towards Price. "Re...Region," Bones said as I turned to find him offering me the detonator, "you know what to do". I nodded as he let out a sigh before slowly closing his eyes. "You pitiful, morsel," the scientist said as he stood a few feet away from me with a ball of energy in his hand, "you are nothing compared to..." A blade punctured through his chest as he gasped, causing the ball of energy to deteriorate from his hand before a second blade sliced his head off. Blood splattered across the floor in front of me as his body fell in front of me, revealing the child standing behind him with the blades where his arms should be. "Wh...what dd they do to you," I asked as the blades slowly changed back into arms while Price groaned off in the distance. He shrugged before another road came from the stairwells, causing Price to reappear from behind a desk. "We need to get to the roof," he grumbled as he held his head with one had while he stumbled towards the stairwell that lead to the roof. "Wait, Price," I yelled as I got to my feet before another roar came from the stairwells, causing us to freeze. "We need to hid," the boy said as he ran over to a desk near the elevator, causing me to follow as price slipped under a desk near where he was standing. The sound claws scrapping concrete became present only seconds later as something large entered the room. It let out low growls as it moved towards the center of the room while the sound of gears and joints of a machine moving became present as well. "No threat detected," a audited voice came from it seemed to have stopped, "continuing search mode". 'Oh shit oh shit,' I thought to myself as I peeked out from behind the desk to see a large robotic hound standing in the center of the room that was at least six feet tall and about twelve feet long from snout to the tip of its tail. "Body detected...scanning...Deceased, body identified as Doctor Banner. Entering security protocol 113," it said as I slipped back out of sight, "Second body found...scanning...deceased, body unable to be identified". "Follow me," I said softly as I crawled to the elevator and began prying open the door as it looked over Bones' body. "Identified as Special ops soldier, Bones, technical specialist. Age 34, died of organ failure," the hound continued as it finished scanning Bones, "threat neutralized. Continuing patrol". "Hurry," the boy whispered as the hound began looking along the opposite end of the room. "There," I sighed as I looked into the shaft to find the ladder next to the door, "climb up to the roof". The boy nodded as he moved into the shaft where I helped him onto the ladder. "Intruder spotted," it growled as I turned to see the hound staring straight at me, "exterminate". "Oi, bitch," Price shouted as he emerged from his hiding place and began firing at the hound, causing it to turn on him, "leave the bastard alone". "Threat detected," it said as it pounced towards him, "exterminate". "Price," I shouted as I aimed my rifle and shot one of the tanks on the side of its body. "Go, get out," he shouted as he dodged it before shooting out one of its eyes, "get the boy out and destroy this hell hole". I gaged as it smacked him in the chest, sending him flying into a wall before it pounced upon him. He cried out in pain as it ripped into him. "I'm sorry," I muttered as I pulled out a grenade, pulling the pin before tossing it over to him, "I'll see you on the other day". "Explosive devise detected," the hound said as it stopped ripping into Price, "activating evasive..." I didn't stay to see the explosion, quickly slipping into the elevator shaft and climbing up after the boy who had already managed to open the door and get onto the roof. A helicopter was quickly flying towards us as I stumbled onto the roof where the boy was waiting for me. I made my way to the bomb, which was still active and untampered with. "Where is the other," the boy asked as I noticed something moving onto the roof from the stairwell. "He didn't make it," I replied as I moved past the boy to find what had gotten into the roof with us. It had vanished as quickly as it had appeared and before I knew what had happened, it has reappeared and gripped its jaws around my left arm. I cried out as another sharp pain surged though my arm as the child sliced it off before killing the mutated hound that had bitten me. "Why," I gasped as blood sprayed out of the wound, "why would you cut it off". "You would have died from its venom, it was a snake wolf mutation," the boy said as the helicopter landed behind us, "it's the one who killed the others". "Region," the medic shouted as he rushed towards me, "what the hell is going on". "The others are dead and I need medical assistance," I replied back as I pulled the detonator out. "No shit," he said as he helped me to the helicopter before helping the boy inside, "you look like you've been through a lot already. Just relax, we'll get you fixed up". I nodded as one of the marines took the detonator from me as the helicopter lifted off. "Setting off explosive in T minus 3...2...1...," the marine said just before pressing the detonator while the Medic was trying to stop the bleeding. The explosion produce a weird sound, almost like something in time and space snapped as the building was forced down. It was unreal, like watching the building shrink as the force of the bomb increased the gravity around it by over 3,000 percent. My head grew dizzy from the sight, feeling excessive blood lose kicking in as the medic got ready to cauterize the wound. A numbing fell over my body as the burning from the cauterizer felt faint and distant, felling extremely drowsy as my eye lids grew heavy. I let out a sigh of relief as I realized we had succeeded in out objective, not knowing what what consequences were to come.

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