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Percy's Point Of View

When I was first born, I was living in the southern outskirts of California. For six years I lived in my family's house, before my parents decided it was time to move out. I hardly remember any of it... The most I remember is blue food, and going to a petting zoo. When we left my home, I had almost cried. So many memories with my family... Lost in my old house. My parents told me that we were moving to a state all the way across the U.S... I think it was supposed to make me feel better, but it just made me worried.

After a few days on the road, we reach our new home states: Tennessee and Kentucky. And when I say and I actually meant it. We lived on the border of the two states. When I started school, I wore a smile on my face every day, hoping to cheer up anyone who wasn't already happy. It's just who I was, and still am. I like to make everyone happy, and I enjoy hearing other people's laughter. Me and my family lived in our house for four years. After that, they decided to go all out.

We get plane tickets and flew to Germany. I had loved our house in Tennessee, and I wasn't ready to leave. We get to our first house in Germany, and I love it. Mainly because there was a whole separate room, just for toys and TV. It goes without saying that I was bummed out when we left again. Long story short, after three years iin Germany, we had lived in about five places, two or three of those being hotels. After Germany my family decided to move again. I didn't know what to think other than I don't care.

We got on another plane and moved back to the states. I couldn't help but wonder where else we would live. I didn't think I could handle another day trapped in the back of a car. After 40 minutes of driving, I got bored again, so I started counting the highway signs. My parents told me to close my eyes, which meant we were almost at our new house. I felt the car slow to a stop, and then, eventually, the bump of the driveway. I started to grow excited. When I opened my eyes, however, I was let down big time. I had expected a big house, like we had in Germany. This house was not big.

I've always been understanding, and I understood that we were running low on money. We do our best, but sometimes it isn't enough. Both my mom and my dad work... Which leaves me little time. Hard for me to think about, but that's where my story ends. My back story I mean. I am 15, so I am in high school, and still have a lot to do. Doing it might be a problem, since I hardly have any time. So much of my time is taken up by chores and homework. You would think, that for someone who moved around a lot, they wouldn't get a lot of homework. You would also be wrong.

That's another thing about me. I don't like to brag, and I don't like to tell people that they're wrong. That's just my personality, though. I am generally peppy, which gets a lot of weird looks, since I'm a dude. I honestly don't understand why dudes aren't allowed to be peppy, and I honestly don't care. I like being happy, and I like to cheer people up when they're down. I'm just like that. I also love school... Well, at least every class I'm good at. That includes band. That's where this story starts.

I was sitting in the front row, since it was my first day, and I was looking around. There were a lot of people that looked peppy in the back, and I suddenly felt upset that I wasn't sitting with them. I looked a bit closer to where I was sitting and I saw a few people reading, even through the racket. I couldn't help but think Respect. I looked at the chair next to mine, and I studied the kid sitting in it. He had jet black hair, and was wearing black pants and a black shirt. He had black leather boots on, that were folded down, so the fluff was on the outside. The boy was holding a trumpet and he was just tapping the bottom of it, as if he couldn't sit still. I gathered he had ADHD. The boy was also frowning, which made me want to cheer him up, but I didn't know whether to be scared or eager to try.

I don't really know what happened, but something inside me clicked and I opened my mouth to ask a question. I don't know exactly what came out, but the boy looked at me happily.

"Yeah! I do! I didn't think anybody else did though!" the boy exclaimed. I laughed a little and nodded.

"What's your name?" I asked him. He averted his eyes for a second, but I think I struck something in him and he turned back to me.

"I'm Nico," he said. I nodded.

"I'm Percy," I responded. Nico and I shook hands, and I sighed, turning back to the front. My first day, and I had already made a friend.

That's the end of Chapter One. Hope you guys liked it. The next chapter will be Nico's Point Of View and how his life has gone, and what he was thinking when Percy first talked to him. Look forward to it!

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