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Nico's Point of View

I have never been that good at making friends. When I do, however, they are generally good. Most are weird, and all of them are goofy. Almost to the point of me being a little embarrassed around them, but in a good way. My friends have always been important to me, even if I can only get a few. I would be able to get more if I tried, but I don't see the point. After the crash, my life has been almost completely ruined. My mother, my father, and one of my two sisters died that day. Maria and Bianca di Angelo. I don't remember my Father's name, since I never cared about him as much. He was never around, and when he was, he cussed and locked himself away. So even when he was here, he wasn't really here.

I sighed as I walked through the empty house. I sat at the dining table, wishing I could see my family again. I think back on my sad, miserable life. About six years in Germany... I miss that place. I miss the towering mountains and ski resorts. I wouldn't actually ski, I would just go for the hot chocolate. After Germany,
I lived in Missouri for about two years. I wasn't really paying attention to the scenery there, but I do miss the people and the school. After that, I moved to Texas, for about five and a half years. I shivered, suddenly cold. I loved Texas, but the things that happened there, made me happy we left. I shook my head, trying to clear the thoughts from my head. If I thought too long on them, they would fog up my memories, and then I would panic. When you panic, your brain goes on power save mode, and you are forced to go back to natural instincts. After Texas, came my current home: Colorado.

Moving from place to place has taken a toll on me, sure. I have always tried to hide my emotions, so people wouldn't bother me. After all, I can't even get peace in my home. That's right. My step sister, Hazel, wasn't in the car during the crash. She didn't have to see Bianca's legs get crushed, or the steering wheel covered in my mother's blood, or the front windshield with a head sized hole where my father's head smashed through. My eyes welled up and I closed my eyes, which was stupid. With my eyes closed, I was reliving the event. Bianca telling me to get out of the car. My mom's pale, lifeless body in the front seat.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I jumped. I opened my eyes and slammed my hand in the direction of whoever was holding onto me. Their hand's presence was warm and was like a tether keeping me from flying away. I wanted it gone, so I could just float away from it all, but I also wanted it to stay.

"Hold on! It's just me!" I heard Hazel's voice say. The warm hand's presence lifted, leaving me to float. I reached out desperately with my thoughts, trying to get her to pull me up from the chair; to continue to tether me to her, keeping me from floating away. I felt glued to my chair, as if I was being weighed down by an anvil. I wiped my face and felt tears. I looked up at Hazel, who was looking concerned. Hazel is two years older than I am. So she is 17, almost 18. In another few months, she will be able to take care of me, as a legal guardian.

"I-I have to go to school," I said as Hazel pulled me from the chair. I silently thanked her, and walked back to my room to grab my bag. I ran out of the house and straight to the school. It was simple, since I lived right across the street from it. A week after my first day, and I only had two or three friends. Lucky me, my first class was Band. There, I could forget about everything and just get lost in the moment. I walk in and see a new kid sitting in my seat. He has brown hair that seems to glow and shine in the light. He has highish cheek bones, and thin lips. I grunt and sit down, pulling out my trumpet. The new kid seemed undisturbed by me. I stole a glance to see what he was looking at. He was looking at the peppy kids in the back. I rolled my eyes, not exactly sure why. I start to tap my trumpet, my ADHD getting a bit out of control. I forgot to take my pill... I see the boy looking at me out of the corner of my eye. I don't know what he said exactly, but I remember getting excited.

"Yeah! I do! I didn't think anybody else did though!" I exclaimed. The boy smiled and nodded. His teeth shined pearly white, almost blinding.

"What's your name?" he asked. I looked away for a second, not wanting to trust someone with something as important as my name. If I don't tell him, he can't get too attached. Something struck me hard in the gut, and I turned back to him. He looked at me patiently, not wanting to scare me away, but keeping a smile on his face. I wanted to trust this boy. I wanted him to trust me. I needed to tell him my name in order for it to happen.

"Nico," I answered. I saw his smile brighten.

"I'm Percy," he said. I turned away after shaking his hand, so he couldn't see my smile. I was grinning like an idiot, and I didn't even know why. I tried to force it away, but it wouldn't budge. Could it be... Could it be that my life here won't suck as much as I thought it would?

That's the end of chapter 2. Hope you guys liked it! Look forward to the next chapter! It will be about Annabeth and her background! If you like the story so far, leave a vote and a comment. Thank you!

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