The big change part 2

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"Ryan...," said samantha as she was stroking his hair.

"Mhm..sam...," replied ryan as he held tightly into her.

"Wake up my beloved dear," she said while kissing his cheeks.

"5 more minutes," he said while leaning his head on top of her breast.

"Ryan... get up right now, you have a important meeting with Matt," she said while blushing deeply and getting off from the bed.

"Nooo... my beloved body pillow, come back to me," he said while pouting.

"Ryan.... you idiot... get up and freshen up then come to the kitchen," said Samantha as she closed the glass doors.

-15 mins later-

"Sam... where is my clothes?," he said while walking up to her with a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Ryan... I told you not to walk around the house naked," he said while entering the closet to get his dark black formal suit.

"Sam, it's only us and besides, you have seen me naked nearly every night my honeycake~," he said while hugging her back tightly.

"RYAN!!!," she yelled while blushing deeply.

"Why don't we do what we did on our Sunday night my sweety, you looked so sexy when you were sweating," he said with a evil smirk in the corner of his lips.

".....," she kept on staring at him with an annoyed look.

"Sheesh, I was only teasing you.. now lets go to work honey," he said as he held Samantha's laptop on his hand and pulled her along.

"Sir!, Madam!" Jake said firmly as he saw the de leon couple come down the elevator.

"Get the car here... Sam shouldn't walk much," he held Samantha's hand as he gently smiled at her.

"It will be done as you say sir!," he said as he walked down the hall way.

"Ryan... I love you so much," she said while kissing his cheeks.

"I love you more Samantha," he kissed her forehead softly.

"Sir!, Madam!, the car is ready" Jake said while blushing as he saw the couple kiss each other.

"Come here my lovely Samantha," he said while wrapping his left arms around Samantha and escorting her inside the car.

"Ryan... when will you be back?," she said while looking at him worriedly from inside the black bmw. (couldn't think of a car that would suit Samantha's taste)

"Sam... don't worry... I will be back in under 2 weeks," he replied with his brightest smile.

"I want to come with you to France too... please take me with you... I don't want to be so far away from you," said Samantha while clutching Ryan's hand.

"Je'taime Samantha, Je suis un De Leon, It's my responsibility sweet heart," Ryan said as he kisses her lips softly.

"I love you too Ryan... I know that you are a De Leon and you take your responsibilities seriously...but... I am your responsibility too... please take me there with you....," she hugged him tightly and pulled him inside the car.

"Samantha.. you are such a stubborn woman... but give up on your stubbornnes... for you going back to France is dangerous... you are perfectly safe here... stay in San Francisco, we can go to Australia as soon as I come back but I really don't want to put us on risk by taking you there with me" Ryan claimed and he held her face.

"Fine... I would wait for you here at the estate... but promise me that we will do back to Australia... I want to go back ti Sydney with you... that's were we met afterall.. so that's my home," she said while smiling a little.

"Thank you sam.. I promise I will be back soon, and you have to promise me that you will wait for me here too," he said as he kissed her forehead.

"Of course... but I want you atleast go to the airport to see you off," she said while holding his hand.

"Well, lets go on this car then, I will call Jake to drive," he saod as he straightened up to go outside but Samantha held his hand tightly.

"Ryan... can you drive?," he said while looking up at him.

"Of course... come on then my sweetheart, sit next to me," he said as he opened the passenger seat's door for his beloved.

-30 mins later-

"Samantha... I will be back soon, okay?," he said as he hugged her waist tightly.

"Of course Ryan... take good care of yourself, and eat properly too, you have a habit on not eating unless I force you to," said Samantha as she poked his cheeks.

"Of course my wifey, I will eat properly, and you too Sam you have a habit of being lazy when i am not around," he said as he pulled her waist closer and kisses her deeply.

"I am not lazy... I am just on energy saving mode" she said while kissing him back.

"There you go with coming up with come backs, well need to get going now... I love you" he said while smiling at her.

"I love you too, take care" she said as she smiled back at him and watched him get on his private jet. "I will wait for you my love" she whispered as she returned back inside the car and told Jake to take her home.

"Mrs De Leon?" Jake said as he looked at the pale faced young woman on the back seat.

"Yes?," replied Samantha while looking up from her laptop.

"You look a little pale Ma'am" he said while reducing the speed... "Maybe we should call your doctor over?," he added and looked back again to see that Samantha had fainted in the seat.

-To be continued-

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