The Bet ~ One Shot

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This one shot is the continuation of the chapter - Metanoia <3

Hope you like it (:

~*Drake's POV

It's Monday morning and I'm feeling very scared. I knew I shouldn't have blurted out my feelings to Pie. Now she is gonna ignore me the whole day. A frown appears on my face as I walk up to the entrance of the school.

I knew I shouldn't have told her.

Everything happens for the best, says my subconscious mind.

I smile as I hear something sensible coming from the subconscious part of my mind. I walk towards my locker and see Andre waiting for me, as usual.

"Hey dude." I say to Andre.

"So you told Pie yet?" Andre enquires.

I sigh. No I didn't tell her yet. I cannot bring myself to tell her. Knowing her, she wouldn't do anything to me. Instead, she would curl up in a corner and cry day and night. That would break my heart even more.

"No I didn't tell her." I say to him.

"Why not?" he asks.

"Because..." I sigh again.

He doesn't say anything more. We part ways and I walked off to my first period; Math.


~*Andre's POV

I have to do something about this. The two love-birds are gonna end up not telling each other about their feelings and will stay apart for the rest of their lives. And Drake...

Can't he just tell Sophia about the bet? I'm sure she'll understand. But then again, Drake told me about that time when Skye came to her. She seemed heartbroken.

Then suddenly and idea struck me! It was perfect. I knew for sure that it was gonna work. It's fool-proof.

I walk to my next class which was surprisingly with Sophia. I smile and hum a happy tune as I walk to class.

There were not many students in class. I see Sophia sitting in the middle bench writing something in a book. I walk over and sit down next to her.

"Hey Sophia." I say.

She turns around, surprised and says, "Oh hey Andre! I didn't see you sit next to me. Whatsup?"

"Nothing much but, uh...I gotta tell you something. It's very important." I tell her with a serious tone.

She raises her eyebrow at me, clearly confused. "What is it?"

"It's about Drake..." I trail off. This is getting harder by the second. I took a deep breath and belted out the whole story of how the bet came to be, when it happened, how it changed my life and Drake's. And lastly, about how Drake withdrew the whole idea of the bet.

I was looking down the whole time afraid that she might slap me in the process. I slowly looked up at her expecting her to have tears in her eyes but what I saw instead was a blank look on her face.

"Sophia?" I ask her, confused.

"Yes Andre?" she asks me back.

I frown. Why isn't she looking sad like she is supposed to be, not that I want her to. No way!

"Aren't you supposed to be sad or something? Not that I want you to..." I trailed off becoming more confused than ever.

Then she said something. Something that shocked me and I knew this would scar me forever. It was just two words.

"I know." she whispered looking down, her hair covering her face.

"B-b-but..." I couldn't gather myself to tell her anything. This was just a huge surprise.


~*Sophia's POV

I told him. I told Andre. I finally told someone. I told him everything. Right from I came in Draky's nightmare to now. His face expression was priceless.

But then it was my turn to look shocked. He told me that Draky had withdrew w the bet. Which means all the time he told me he loves me, he really meant it.

Oh God! What have I done. It was now the Math period and we have English next. I was itching to tell Draky how I feel. I know now that he loved me truly.

After about five minutes, the bell rang. I was the first one out of class. I ran to my lockers, got out my books and ran to my next class; English.

But luck wasn't on my side because he wasn't there. I sighed and took my place in one of the desks.


~*Drake's POV

I was on my way to English class when I saw Andre approaching me. I knew he wanted to talk to me about something but I had no time. I wanted to talk to Pie and tell her all about the bet. I had waited too long. I cannot hold it anymore longer.

Do it! , said the annoying voice in my head.

Yes, I am gonna do it now. I will tell her everything today, I reassured my other mind.

"Drake! I need to tell you something. It's important!" Andre told me as he came closer.

"Not now Andre. I'm going tell Sophia that I love her." I told him, a bit angrily because I was itching to hold her in my arms and kiss her.

"Fine. But before you go, I need to tell you something." he said, "Don't tell her about the bet. It's okay if you keep the secret."

I was really confused. What is he talking about? Well, anything for Pie.

I half-walked half-ran to English class and saw that not many students were there. I walked up to her. She looked up and saw me.

"Pie, I love you. I love you a lot more than you ever know. Even if you don't say this back, I couldn't care less. I love you and I just wanted you to know this..." I trailed off looking at her face.

"I love you too." she said and then came towards me and we were only a centimeter apart when she zeroed it and my lips smashed into hers.

It's a love story, baby just say YES! My subconscious mind told me.

I just smirked into the kiss and held Pie in my arms. This was the best feeling ever.


~*Sophia's POV

Just before he left, Andre told me not to tell Draky about the bet. He asked me to keep it to myself and never tell anyone. I guess this was a secret kept between us.

And now here I am, in Draky's arms. Melting away from every of his touch. I guess Draky will never know that I knew about The Bet. I laughed to myself as he got me into his car and we drove home.

This story was finally perfect. ♥



I am desperate for votes. I know -.-

But I need votes, wattpaders! (:

Thanks ♥

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