Rest In Petals

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Undertaker looked to find his carriage, but the horses must've gotten scared and ran away. He sighed, but he really didn't care. A missing carriage was the least of his worries. He walked away from the fire engulfed home, trying hard not to look at the limp corpses he carried and stopped by the edge of the forest. He was about to reach for his shovel, as was a reflex he had by that point, but remember me he hadn't brought one.

"Wait..." He mumbled. "Isn't there a greenhouse at the back? Maybe there's a shovel in there."

He lay the couple on their backs and walked behind the manor. He couldn't run anymore. He was far too tired, but not from the sprinting. Luckily, there was a greenhouse that hadn't been touched by the fire standing at the back at the once intact manor. However, being exposed to the heat of the fire for so long greatly affected the plant life, drying up the aloe plants and vines that grew before. He spotted a shovel that was propped up in the corner and abruptly took it, turning on his heels and walking back to the couple. "Wait a second. I haven't prepared any headstones. Maybe I'll make some when I get to my shop."

He found where the soil was rich and soft and began to dig two long graves. The experience changed entirely for him. He has dug many graves in the past, after all it is his job. However, he never knew who was being put in there. Names he knew, and faces he knew, but not their hobbies or pasts or favourite dessert. He knew Rachel, and especially knew Vincent. Every dig into the earth felt like a burrow in his own heart. Every one of his tears that fell, he was reminded of how many were shed that night, not just by Lord and Lady, but their trauma stricken child. He had to stop, he couldn't dig anymore. The holes were deep enough, about 4 1/2 feet.

He first picked up Rachel and set her down in her grave, closing her eyes, placing her hands on her stomach and her hair out of her face. "Even with a state as terrible as this, every body should still rest beautifully," he spoke aloud while arranging her.

He jumped back out of the hole and turned back to lift Vincent, but something out of the corner of his eye caught his attention. He spotted the bright white bouquet of roses laying on the ground just a few metres from him, contrasting against the night. "They must've fallen from my lap when I left the carriage." He scooped them up and placed them next to the grave.

He lifted Vincent up and carefully lowered him into the bed of soil. He gave the same treatment to the man as he did his wife. He put Vincent's hands on his chest then reached for the bouquet. Placing the roses delicately on his chest, he wrapped Vincent's hands around the bundled stems and pushed his bangs away to reveal his beautiful, lifeless eyes. Even in death, Undertaker could still see them twinkle like stars in the night sky.

He gently touched Vincent's cheek, which was quite chilled and turning colder by the second. Undertaker started to mumble, trying not to let his choked breathing stifle his speech.

"I... I got these for you, Vincent. I knew they're your favourite." He started his choke up, stuttering his speech. "I just w-wanted to say something I've been aching to t-tell you for a while now." The drops started to roll down again. "I know y-you love Rachel, and I r-respect that, b-but..."

He cupped Vincent's face and tilted it to face him. "I love you."

He softly kissed Vincent's cheek. It was rougher and dryer than usual, but just to have his lips on his skin was enough for Undertaker. He wiped his soiled cheeks on a handkerchief he kept in his pocket and jumped out of the pit once more.

He grabbed the shovel and finished the burial, packing down the soil tightly. He put the shovel down and turned away, walking solemnly from the wreckage. He still heard the crackling flames after he crossed over the hill. That sound would forever be engrained in his mind as the night his life lost meaning. As he walked, a barrage of horrible thoughts were coursing through Undertaker's distraught mind. But one kept repeating itself:

"I hope Ciel is okay."

White Roses (Undertaker x Vincent Phantomhive)Where stories live. Discover now