When Sherlock walked into 221B he found eerily quiet. He expected John to be there, but he was no where to be found. He called John's mobile.

No Answer.

"Gavin. Is John still there?"

"No. He left hours ago. Wh-"

And Sherlock hung up. He quickly got up and skipped down the stairs to Ms. Hudson's, and banged on the door. She came to the door angrily.

"Why are banging on my bloody door?!"

"Did John ever come back?"

Ms. Hudson's face softened. "Yes he came in around a few hours ago, It's a late hour Sherlock. Are you sure he's not here?"

"Yes, I didn't see him. Did you see him leave?"

She shook her head no. "I'm afraid not."

Feeling somewhat defeated, he went back to his flat and sat in his chair. After ten minutes of staring at John's empty chair he suddenly had a brilliant idea. He took a red balloon and drew John's face on it. Then he put it in John's seat and feeling satisfied he could begin to look at Irene's phone.

The pass word was still the same. You remember what it is.

It opened and he examined it as well as he could and he found nothing. The last thing was the pictures. He swiped through most of all of it until he saw the last one. It said

Yay! You found me! To open me solve this riddle. How many chemical defects does it take to ruin one Sherlock?

What kind of question is this? I'm nearly perfect, I have nothing to do with and defects of any kind. I'm not on the losing side.

Sentiment is a chemical defect found on the losing side Sherlock.  


Sherlock pressed it.

You have a pet. Don't you Mr. Holmes?

He understood. Sherlock typed one and it sent him to another file. What he found was a list of murders. He scrolled through it all and when he got the bottom there was instructions.

There is an encrypted message. Look at all six headlines and the first letters of important details will spell it out for you. Solve if you must, Good luck handsome.

The first: Man shoots himself atop of hospital. Well known criminal.

Nothing to really solve here. It was Moriarty himself. So he wrote M.

The second: Islander kills official. He was an illegal immigrant, they wouldn't let him pass, so he killed him. Sherlock wrote I

The third: Senator commits suicide. He was corrupt, his life was being threatened and so was his family's. So he killed himself. He wrote S.

Fourth: Man jumps off of hospital. Two cases of suicide to happen that day. Well it was none other than himself. He added S.

Fifth: Woman shot dead by head of a department in government. She took a bullet for a friend.

Sherlock felt a pang of hurt in his heart. Sadly, that had been Mary. He and John's beloved Mary. He wrote M.

The last: Young boy killed by young girl. Then there was the weather report for that day. It was windy coming from the east side. This murder happened years ago, close to where he grew up. It was weird, not that this was significant, but that was the same year Redbeard died. The weather must be important since it's on here, so he wrote E last.

He spelled it out.


He typed it into the phone and a voice message popped up. He listened.

Well done brother dear. Come and find me. It's been a while since I've seen you. The east wind will take you all in the end.

And it ended.


"He got it." James giggled happily

"He did?"

"Yes. I'm so proud. Sherly's doing so well."

"I suppose so." It took a deep breath and sat at a desk.

"How are your recordings coming along?"

Moriarty turned and a smile grew across his face. "You're gonna love it."

It smiled and turned to face the large window. The ocean surrounded them. Nothing but blue, cold waters. And the wind was stirring.

And it was going to cause lots of trouble.

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