An Inconvenience

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A few hours earlier...

" Are you sure you want to do this? ..." my mom says with her expression full of worry as she played with her fingers. 

I searched her eyes and then felt a sharp pain pierce through my chest.  I actually hate myself so much because of the fact that i'm leaving her here after everything that has happened. I know how much pain she has gone much pain all of us have gone through...but i've decided to leave it all behind. at least try to.

I turned my gaze to my dad. His expression was hard and firm, as always. I couldn't help but sigh as he looked at me dismissively. What did I expect? A slight smile? A few tears falling out from his eyes? A hug at least? I know I should've gotten used to the fact that my dad didn't know the slightest thing about affection but it couldn't hurt to hope for a miracle at least on the day i was going to leave, right?

" I have to, mom. You know that. It's what he would have wanted..." I say in reply, looking back at my mom with a small smile.

" Robbie would have wanted you to do what makes you happy. You dont have to go all the way to New York to fulfill a dream that isn't yours, Lauren."  Mom places a hand on my shoulder, tucking a few strands of my hair behind my ear.

" If i don't than who will? Mom, my only dream is to fulfill his. I promised him that I wouldn't let him down and I won't. That's one thing i'll never do. I'm sorry. I better go now. My plane takes off in an hour." I planted a soft kiss on her cheek, ignoring my dad completely before carrying all my stuff out onto the front porch.

A taxi was already waiting for me with one of it's doors already open. I loaded my bags into the trunk but before i could enter the cab,  I hear my dad's stern voice call after me from the house.

" He's dead, Lauren. What you're doing isn't going to change that."

I felt myself freeze as soon as the words came out of his mouth. My dad just didn't know when to quit, did he? I turned around to look back at him bitterly as he stood right outside the door with my mom at his side. His arms were folded as he continued to furrow his eyebrows. 

" ... I know. " I replied as my gaze fell and my eyes turned glassy.

The next thing i knew, i was sitting inside the taxi driving further and further away from the place i once called home. 


Back to the present...

Gerard.  FUCKING. Way. If i could name one word that would describe him, it would be: a pretentious, arrogant, small-brained, freak!... Make that four words. Ha!

For the past few hours, i've tried almost everything to get him to return my backpack.  I warned him that i'd kick the door open. I threatened that i'd call the police. I even pretended to cry to see if he would come out of his apartment out of guilt but he wouldn't budge. He just remained silent, occasionally making fun of my " stupid" ideas as he calls them. 

"  Can we at least talk about this?" I groaned, starting to give up already.

" If you're not going to do what I asked then you might as well just leave." he chuckled from inside his apartment.

God, what will it take?! Maybe if I... 

" Just come out with the bag and i just might do it." 

" This better not be one of your tricks."

" I'm serious. That bag is more important to me than you think it is and if saying my name to a stranger who's clearly a delusional freak is what it will take to get it back, then i'll do it."

I heard footsteps start to shift from inside the apartment and I immediately grinned as I saw that my plan was working. The door swung open and there he was, leaning against the door frame with a smirk plastered on his face.

" A delusional freak?" He grips the strap of my bag tightly as it hung over his shoulder. " That wasn't very nice."

" It's the truth. I'm surprised you didn't even know that about yourself." I give him a smile so plastic that I could see his expression start to harden and his smirk disappear. 

" You know, i'm starting to get really tired of your bullshit. " 

" Oh really? The feeling's mutual."

His eye twitches a bit but then he shifts his expression to amusement as he shook his head.

" Oh, forget it. Take your stupid bag." He hands me the bag which I immediately snatch away from him.

" Much obliged. Now why dont you go and call your wannabe rock band and practice a few screamo songs whil i unpack my things." I smirk, receiving a glare from him.

" They're on their way. And just so you know, we're NOT wannabes and we're NOT  a screamo band... Someday i'm getting my revenge and you're going to pay, honey.

"  Sure, go ahead. Make an album out of it for all I care."

" Why you little--"

Suddenly, I heard a few footsteps from the other side of the hallway. I looked towards the sound and I could faintly make out the figures of three people walking towards us since the hallway was dimly lit and it was already late afternoon.

" Gerard! Sorry we're late." one of them called out.

Great. More People.  I stared at them as they stood before Gerard and I took in their features. One was blonde and wore a lip ring. One had straight brown hair and wore glasses and one had a pretty awesome fro i must admit. 

" This the band you were talking about?" I asked, looking at the instruments a few of them were carrying.

" Uh, Gee. Who is this?" the one with glasses asked, raising an eyebrow and pointing at me.

" She lives in the apartment across me." Gerard shrugs, indifferently. 

" Oh. What's your na--" 

" Don't even try." Gerard interrupts, placing a hand on his shoulder to stop him. 

I wink at him teasingly and he just rolls his eyes. 

 " Geraaaard!",  someone calls from the distance.

I turn around to see someone running towards us pretty fast. As his face grew clearer, I felt myself start to freeze. I started to panic but my feet felt like they were glued to the ground so I couldn't retreat. All i could do was clench my fists and wait for him to recognize me.

" ...Oh my god... Lauren?!" he exclaims as he stops before me, his eyes wide with shock.

" How inconvenient..." 


Got any guess on who " Robbie" is??? ;) hehehe hope this story is interesting for you guys so far! Sorry if it takes long for me to update. It's just that I also balance my writing with watching anime soooo yeahhh hehehe Hope you'll be patient with me :(( Love you! xoxoxo (Pls. comment and vote hehe it would be much obliged :3)


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