He's Back and I Need an Upgrade on My Heart Medication

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He's Back and I Need an Upgrade on My Heart Medication

:: Samantha ::

The house was eerily quiet. My sister, her husband, my brother and his girlfriend were all out. My son and my younger brother were at school. I finally had the house all to myself. It was actually quite rare for me to have the house to myself.

Sorry, where are my manners? My name is Samantha Carter and yes, I was rejoicing the fact that I have the house to myself. I live in a big, comfortable house I have learned to call my home for the past thirty years. There are eight bedrooms, three bathrooms, an enormous kitchen, which I love by the way, a roomy and comfortable living room, a beautifully decorated dining room and a very spacious garage. I love my house.

Unfortunately, I live with eight people. It feels like I've been living in a hotel and renting out the rooms. I should introduce them to you. First, we have my parents Kaitlyn and Avery Carter. They are the most adventurous parents. My parents are always on a cruise or an island, hanging out with the natives and drinking like immortals. Then we have my sister Jordyn and her husband Lucas. Jordyn speaks her mind and honestly could care less if you got offended; she's one to tell you to put it in your pipe and smoke it. Lucas, on the other hand, is very soft spoken and is the nicest guy you'll ever meet. Next are my brother Zane and his long term girlfriend Maya. Maya is the sweetest person ever but if you get on her bad side, she'd cuss you out like drunken sailor while Zane would sit there and laugh as Maya tells you like it is. I could see why he likes her. My little brother Avery is a trouble maker and my son AJ is no different.

Yup, I've landed in an episode of the Brady Bunch. Anyway, as I was saying, I was enjoying my freedom away from the mental hospital. Sadly, that moment was short lived. The doorbell chimed loudly, interrupting me from my daily dose of The Bold and The Beautiful.

I sighed and got up from my comfortable spot on the black leather sofa and made my way to the door. What was standing on the other side made me deeply regret my decision to be a nice person and open the door. Standing at the door in all his glory was Alexander Martin, my ex best friend. He was beautiful, as always, with his tousled jet black hair and the brightest sky blue eyes. His features enhanced a lot; strong cheekbones and jawbones, tiny freckles dotting his nose bridge, luscious and rosy lips. He stood dressed in a maroon V neck t shirt and dark gray jeans. The shirt defined muscles I didn't even know he had and enhanced the ones I knew about. As always, he was breathtaking.

"Hey, Sam," he said with a dazzling smile that almost made me faint. His deep voice sent shivers down my spine and I had to control the urge to tremble. God, he's perfect!

I masked my shock with an expressionless face. "What are you doing here, Alexander?" That's right, skip the pleasantries. Don't let him get to you.

He laughed and I nearly swooned. "No hellos?"

"Why should I give you a 'hello' when you didn't give me a 'goodbye'?" I asked, my eyebrows rose in indignation.

His smile dropped from his face and his eyes lost a little of its spark. "Can we not talk about that? Please?"

I huffed and folded my arms across my chest. "What do you want to talk about, Alexander?"

"I want to see you. All of you. I'm having a dinner at my house tonight at seven thirty and I want all of you to come.....to meet my fiancée," he replied in a hushed tone.

Pain shot through my heart when I heard what he said. Married? He's getting married? "You're getting married?" I asked in barely a whisper.

He seemed to have heard me because he did the stupidest thing by answering. "Yeah, in two months. I want you to meet her. I want her to know my family.....and my best friend."

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