Dark Assumptions.

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You had been sat in the waiting room for over an hour now, let's see...you get out your phone to look at the time, best do some math since you've read every out-of-date magazine they have to offer.

Something about celebrities being pregnant, somebody sold their story about being beaten up by Eustass Kid's gang to a magazine, mayor Iceburg being sighted in the strip club, things you've already read about before basically.

You got here about 3:38am and it's now 4:42am. So an hour and almost 5 minutes...why does it feel like you've been here for a century?! A woman who works on the front desk has been shooting you glances every now and then also.

But whenever you ask about Marco, she says that she hasn't heard anything yet. You begin to wonder if you should have gone in with him since he doesn't like doctors, was leaving him really a good idea?

You fidget in your seat slightly, nervously scratching your neck. It's at this moment, the woman comes rushing over to you holding a card with a sweet smile on her face. "You're not alone." She murmurs, her voice soft but filled with purpose as she hands you the small card.

Glancing down at it, you realize it's actually the number to call if you're in an abusive relationship. 

An abusive what?! 

It's only when you look back up at her, you notice her eyes are resting on your bruised arm, filled to the brim with worry. Instantly, cold sweat begins to trickle down your face. "No, no, I'm not in--"

"It's okay," She consoles, reaching out and giving your shoulder a soft pat as she stares deep into your eyes, as if she's talking to your damn soul or something. "You don't need to worry, we haven't said anything to him." She adds as she makes her way back to the front desk.

Seriously lady?! He's the one with the broken wrist here and I'm the one who gets painted as abused?

"Hey yoi, what's that?" Marco suddenly chimes from behind you, instantly causing your head to whip round. He looks pretty merry for someone who just had his wrist broken, he even has a lollipop stick sat in between his lips.

Big child!

Looking down to his wrist, you notice he's now wearing a yellow cast that goes from his hand to his forearm. "Yellow? I thought you like turquoise." You're attempting to change the subject from the card mainly because you're still within hearing distance of that lady.

And sure, she's wrong about you and Marco but you don't want to discourage her from trying to help abused people in any way. There may just be some people who come in here that need these cards.  

"They only had yellow, unfortunately. Are you ready to go yoi? The longer we sit around in here, the more our fare will cost." 

You're about an hour and 5 minutes too late to care about that...

You slip back into his warm, sweet-scented jacket as the pair of you make your way outside, the sun beginning to rise off into the distance, giving the outside world a slightly pinkish orange tint. It's so damn pretty.

"Hey, get this yoi~" Marco chuckles playfully, taking a card from his pocket and handing it to you, much to your surprise it's the exact same card that woman gave to you in the waiting room. "They gave me this when they were wrapping my arm. Ha, they thought you were an abusive girlfriend or something~" 

...Of course they did.

"Snap." You snicker as you show him the card that was given to you, the blonde looking ever so slightly hurt with the assumption. However, he still chuckles as he opens the cab door for you, allowing you to enter before he follows behind.

"I couldn't even abuse a mouse yoi!" You don't doubt this at all, mainly because you've witnessed it yourself. A rat was found in the garage and Marco wanted to throw it out because he likes animals.

But Thatch said they'll just keep coming back so he told Marco to kill it. Of course, the blonde refused to do so and Thatch didn't really want to either, so in the end Newgate threw it into a carrier back and killed it with a mallet to the head.

You were surprised with the result though; Luffy cried over it, Ace called Newgate a 'heartless old fart' and Sabo, Thatch and Marco looked as if their hearts were just torn straight out of their chests. 

Not that you're complaining, of course. You love animals so it's a relief that you have friends who are just as animal-friendly as you are. 

"Let's get our asses home yoi, I gotta feeling some karma talk awaits me." The blonde mumbles with a frown, clearly already imagining it. Most of the brothers have lost their eyebrows to this little bastard, of course they'll rip on him when they see how it ended for him.

Hell, I can't necessarily blame them...

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