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SososososososoSO sorry, y'all, for taking so long to update. 2000+ to make up for it??


"Are you sure? This could really end horribly. You know how your mom is..." My ridiculously pessimistic attitude is probably getting on his nerves, but I can't help it. I guess I'm nervous for Scott.

I hear him sigh into the phone. Guilt pangs in my stomach, I made him annoyed... My least favorite thing ever is seeing him even the slightest bit upset.

"I don't care what she thinks. I just want her to meet you properly, and I think it would be nice for my real mom to meet your dad."

"Yeah. He's been literally dying to meet her." I smile. "I honestly can't wait to see her again."

"I swear, every time I talk to her on the phone, she brings you up. 'How's Mitch doing?' 'Are you two still doing well?' 'Is he still beautiful as always?'"

I furrow my eyebrows, pulling a skeptical face, even while knowing he can't see me. "Really?"

"Okay, I'll admit... I made the last one up..." he says in a hushed tone, like it's a secret. I chuckle, rolling my eyes. "But it's not like it's not true."

"Well, I guess I should ask my dad about this. We could get together here, if you want. I doubt my dad'll mind." I push myself up by the vanity I was leaning on, striding over to my bed as he speaks.

"Okay! This is really exciting," he giggles. I internally swoon. "would it be fine with your dad if I came over to help you make dinner? I think it would be cute if we made it together for everyone, don't you think?"

"Oh my gosh! That sounds great, I mean we could make all of our parents' favorite foods, and-and we could set up the table all cute!" I flop onto the bed, laying on my back as I overflow with elation.

"Woah woah woah, you haven't even asked Mike yet." he laughs. "Text me when you do though, I'm taking a shower."

"Okay, bye!"

"Talk to you later, Berry."

I listen to the little melody of the call being ended, sighing through a wide smile. The nickname is pretty much an impulse to him now, and every time it leaves his mouth my internal organs do a back handspring.

I roll onto my stomach, shooting a quick text to Kirstie about my plans with Scott. I already took a shower this morning, so all I have to do is make myself look presentable and clean up the house a bit.

A dinner with all four of our parents. This is gonna be wild.

After my hair is well packed with product, my face is freshened, and my outfit has been changed into something both cute and clean, I'm bouncing around the house, tidying up all that I can. Energetic electronica music trickles from my phone speaker, filling the house with a vibe made for dancing.

I run around with a broom and dustpan, head banging and flailing to the beat of the synthesized chord progressions. The intense beat drops of these songs never cease to give me chills.

"Woah, buddy!" my dad yells suddenly, as he narrowly ducks my arm as it shoots out on time with a sporatic drum beat.

"Sorry dad, I'm jammin'," I laugh, shimmying my shoulders and headbanging again.

"I can tell!" he chuckles, "Scott just pulled in, I wanted to let you know."

"Oh!" I hurry to tuck the broom into the closet, shutting the door. "Okay, thanks dad."

Please Don't Be So ShyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora