Chapter 7

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I have been contemplating this the entire time and I just came to one conclusion. Many or not, there are fans to write to and it was not fair of me to stop them. At first I thought, maybe I should apologise, but then I felt I didn't do a mistake. 

This one is to each and every one of you and do know that I really love you all. Thank you dears.









Chapter 7

“What are you doing!”

Is it necessary to say that that was her voice squeaking in shock? Quite involuntarily, she clapped her hands to her eyes, her jaw dropped open and swayed in the wind.

“Well,” he drawled and she felt the bed dip with his weight. Two big hands grasped her wrists and pried them away from her face.

“You seemed determined to see me naked,” he said calmly, looking her in the eye, his lips twitching slightly.

“Excuse me?” she exploded, standing up on the bed and crossing her arms, her legs spread apart.

He looked up at her, still mouth twitching in amusement that she was keeping her eyes firmly on his face.

“Go on,” he encouraged, waving his hand, “Look.”

She swallowed once, twice and after a deep breath slid her eyes down his chest to there and rapidly shut her eyes. White had imprinted in her vision in the quick glance. Wait, white? She opened her eyes again and looked directly at it, she really needed to stop thinking like that, and had her fill of his white shorts.

A loud laugh startled her and she jumped literally, still standing, arms weakly at her side while he fell back on the bed, grabbing his stomach and rolled around laughing. Frowning she sat down with her legs tucked to the side and glared at him while he gasped, “Your face….” Laughter overtook him again and he rolled over, falling off the bed with an almighty crash.

Reluctantly, she peered over the bed to see him wiping his eyes, lying flat on the floor. He swiveled his head to look at her, chuckling at her glare and sat up, climbing on to the bed. She moved back and he sat down, facing her.

“Stop pouting,” he said softly, his face flushed from having laughed so much.

“Where did you get those?” she asked angrily.

“I saw you throw my clothes out of the bag,” he said sounding amused, “I came to give my brush, remember?”

She went red. To a guy who thinks that she is happy to have married him, of course it would seem like she had done it to bed him.

“I did not do it for what you think,” she mumbled, half sure he won’t believe her.

“Hm? Then why did you do it?”

She was thrown. She should have anticipated that he would ask her this. Worrying her lip, she looked up at him through her lashes, her brain whirring in the background. He took a sharp breath and she whispered, “You threw me out of the house the other day. I wanted revenge.”

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