The begining

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Hello, my name is Bindi Alinta, Bindi means little girl and Alinta means flame and if I put them together it means little girls flame. This is my story of how I was taken from my family and how I was made into......Okay I don't want to spoil anything so let's start from the beginning. The year was 1910 and I was 15 years old I lived with my mom, dad and two brothers, my youngest brother was 1 years old and my other brother was 2. I loved them with all of my heart and I would do anything for my family and they loved me just as much. In my culture everyone had to work and help out, but I like working with my family. Okay like I said 1910 let the journey begin.

"Bindi, Bindi" I heard my mom call my name. "Yes ma?" I asked her. "it's getting late and I need you to make the campfire, can you do that for me?" she asked me "I can to that ma, anything else?" "no that will be it" she said smiling at me, I smiled back and went to collect the branches from the ground so I could make the campfire. After I made the campfire my parents and to brothers came and we lied down on the soft ground beneath us as we looked up at the starts, I felt the mixture of the warmth coming from the fire as the cool breeze coming from North moving my hair back from my face. I watched as my family slowly fell asleep, not long after my eyelids was getting heavier and heavier and I closed my eyes letting the darkness consume me as I fell asleep.

I was woken up by loud noises and I heard gun shots. "Papa What's happening I'm scared." I looked at my papa as tears escaped my eyes. "Don't cry Bindi everything is going to be okay you need to stay strong, okay? Can you do that for me?" my dad cooed in my ear as he held me for dear life as if he ever would let go he would never get me back. I felt someone holding my wrist tightly I look up and saw a white man "Let go of her or I will shoot you." The white man said to my papa or more like screamed. He had really weird clothes on. "Never, I will never let you take my only daughter, let her go, NOW" my papa yelled at the white man. I can let my papa get killed because of me. I saw my mom run with my two brothers I thing she is trying to hide them. "I will countdown from three if you don't let her go I will kill you" The white man said pointing the gun at my papa. "Three" the man waited looking my dad in the eyes, my dad looked right back at him with burning fire in his eyes, if only looks could kill that man would be long gone. "Two." I can't let my papa die if they kill him they will take me if they don't kill him they will take me. I really can't win. "o..." "I will go with you just don't kill him" I interrupted him in his countdown. He looked at me and smiled. "no, no, NO you will do no such thing. "My dad said. "they will take me either way, I will rather be taken knowing that you are still alive. I love you papa." Was the last I could say before I was taken away.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2017 ⏰

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