Chapter 3

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Greycloud woke up and looked out of the Warrior's den.
He stood up and saw Icestar and Shadowleaf talking.
"How could you?!"spat Icesar.
"I'm sorry!Do you not think I know that?!"spat Shadowleaf back.
Greycloud saw Shadowleaf's amber eyes glowing with fury.
"Go hunt!I don't want to hear anymore.Go!flicked Icestar with tail to signal Him to leave.
Shadowleaf's black pelt disappeared into the shadows of the forest.
Greycloud padded over to Quietstream.
"Hello my love."purred Quietstream.
"Hello."replied Greycloud.
Greycloud bent down to give Quietstream a lick on her cheek.
"I love you."purred Greycloud.
"I love you too."replied Quietstream.
"All Moonclan cats meet below the Highrock for a clan meeting!"yelled Icestar.
All cats gathered below the Highrock.
"I have decided who will be Spottedpaw's mentor."
"It will be........Owlfang."said Icestar.
Owlfang bent down to touch noses with Spottedpaw.
Icestar smiled and leaped off.
"I will be training you so you could become a warrior."said Owlfang.
Spottedpaw nodded and smiled.
Greycloud was hungry but had to wait for Shadowleaf to return.
"Shadowleaf seems to be taking a long time."said Quietstream.
"True."replied Greycloud.
"Why don't we just go hunting?"asked Quietstream.
"Ummmm......I guess."replied Greycloud as he raced into the forest.
Quietstream followed.
Greycloud soon saw two in the distance.
"Who are they?"asked Quietstream.
"I don't know...."said Greycloud as he tried to sniff the air.
"The scent is fainted and I can't make out who they are."said Quietstream.
"Me either."said Greycloud.
"Mud."said Quietstream as she rolled in it to cover her scent.Her grey pelt was now covered in brown.
Greycloud did the same.
They both padded slowly towards them in the shadows.
"Is that Shadowleaf?"whispered Quietstream.
"I think so but who is that other she-cat?"replied Greycloud in a whisper.
"It's Longfur!"gasped Quietstream as she looked at the white long-haired she-cat that was talking to Shadowleaf.
Longfur licked Shadowleaf's cheek.
"They can't be mates!They are both from different clans!"whispered Greycloud.
"I know."replied Quietstream.
"We should report this to Icestar."said Greycloud.
"Wait."said Quieststream as she looked carefully.
Longfur nodded as if Shadowleaf has said something.
Suddenly Shadowleaf turned quickly to Greycloud and Quietstream's side and padded slowly towards them.
"Who's here?!"hissed Shadowleaf.
Greycloud and Quietstream kept quiet.
Shadowleaf unsheathed his claws and hissed.
Longfur followed.
Greycloud kept his tail and ears low.
"Let's just go somewhere else."said Longfur as she padded away.
Shadowleaf nodded and followed.
Greycloud and Quietstream padded back to camp.
Greycloud padded towards Icestar.
"Where is Shadowleaf?!"hissed Icestar.
"He's in love with Longfur.That's where he is at."replied Greycloud.
"Oh that little furball will become Crow-food when he returns."growled "Icestar.
"Should I go fetch him?"asked Greycloud.
"No!I can't wait to see that look on that stupid furball's face when he returns!"hissed Icestar.
Greycloud nodded and left.
After some hours Shadowleaf returned.
"Where have you been?!"hissed Icestar.
"Um....There was no prey,I searched eveywhere!"replied Shadowleaf.
Icestar scored his claws over Shadowleaf's right eye,and across his face.
Shadowleaf yowled as blood poured from his face.
Gasps drowned the yowls from Shadowleaf.
Shadowleaf fell to the ground where his blood laid.
Shadowleaf looked at Icestar before he closed his amber eyes.
Brokenface ran towards Shadowleaf.
"Hey! You shouldn't treat your deputy or any cat from your clan like that!"said Brokenface as she put her herbs down.
"My clan,my rules."growled Icestar.
Brokenface pulled out some Celandine to cure Shadowleaf's wounded eye.
Greycloud watched as the medicine cat gave him the herb.
Shadowleaf opened his eyes slowly.His wounded eye was no longer Amber,it was ugly and red.
Brokenface applied some cobwebs to Shadowleaf's wounded face.
"Shadowleaf lost so much blood."whispered Quietstream.
"I know."replied Greycloud.
"Don't touch or let anything touch your wounded eye."suggested Brokenface.
Shadowleaf whispered something amd closed his eyes slowly.
"Let him rest!Stay away from him!"hissed Brokenface.
"He dosen't deserve to be in Moonclan."growled Icestar.
Brokenface hissed.
Brokenface put her brown paw on Shadowleaf's chest.
"If you don't leave him alone,he might not survive!"growled Brokenface.
Icestar mocked her.
Brokenface rolled her eyes and turned to Shadowleaf.
Shadowleaf fully woke up with his wounded eye closed.
Shadowleaf stood up with part of his fur covered in blood from the ground.
"Are you ok?"asked Greycloud.
"Do I look ok?!"hissed Shadowleaf.
"My eye is ruined and my face is wounded!"he said again.
Greycloud flattened his ears.
Quietstream licked Greycloud's cheek.
"C'mon let's go hunt."she said.
Greycloud nodded and raced into the forest.
"Leafear's kits are being born!"yelled Whitebush,one of Leafear's queen freinds.
"Rest while I come back."said Brokenface to Shadowleaf.
Shadowleaf nodded as Brokenface raced towards Leafear.
"Yay!When they're old eneough I can be friends with them!"yelled Pebblekit with excitement.
"Yep."replied Greycloud.
Whitebush,Leafear,and Brokenface where all in the Medicine cat's den while the rest of the cats talked about Leafear's kits being born.
A few moments later Leafear's kits where born,Greycloud walked in the medicine cat's den.
"They're so cute!"said Pebblekit.
Greycloud nodded.
There were 3 kits.One was a black tom.The other is a calico she-cat.And the last one is a pale brown tabby she-cat.
(Yay the first Calico cat!)
"Let Leafear rest!She's very tired.Somecat go check on Shadowleaf."said Brokenface.
All cats padded outside Brokenface's den.
"He's good!"yelled Pebblekit.
"Ok!"replied Brokenface.
"Do you think Icestar seems happy with new kits in the clan?"asked Quietstream.
"I don't think he cares.I think he needs some time or days to cool off from Shadowleaf's secret mate."replied Greycloud.
"True."replied Quietstream.
"Ok now let's go hunt."she said as she raced into the forest.
Greycloud followed.
Greycloud saw Quietstream in a hunter's crouch.
She was heading for a very plump rabbit.
She finally pounced on it and bit the rabbit's throat,killing it.
"Good hunt."said Greycloud.
"Thanks."purred Quietstream.
Greycloud sniffed the air for any sign of prey.
He immediately got into a hunter's crouch as he headed for a mouse.
The mouse quietly stood,searching for any seeds to nibble on.
Greycloud pounced on it and killed it.
"We need to hunt more."said Quietstream as she headed towards the river.
"I'll hunt by river,You hunt on land."suggested Quietstream.
"My name says it all,I am quiet in the streams,quiet eneough to catch fish."she said.
Greycloud purred and sniffed the air again.
Shadows flooded the forest as Greycloud carried 3 mouse and 1 squirrel as Quietstream carried 1 plump rabbit and 5 fish.
"Great job."said Icestar.
Greycloud and Quietstream set the prey in the fresh-kill pile.
"I think Icestar has cooled off about the Shadowleaf thing."said Quietstream.
"Yeah."replied Greycloud.

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