Chapter 1

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Do you know that moment when you meet Mr. Well, it goes something like this....
I walked into school Monday morning, ready for the fresh start that comes with a new year. This was going to be a good year whether the world liked it or not. It was my Junior year, so you know what that means? Only two more fricken years in this hell hole. Okay calm down Josh, calm down.
Now. I thought this was going to be a good year, but as soon as I walked up those four concrete steps and through the heavy wooden doors that hold captive the hopes and dreams of the many vessels full of sex crazy, hormones, things went back to the way they always have been, complete and utter sh- no, no I'm trying to cut back on my cussing....It was miserable.
The jocks who, keep in mind, used to be my best friends, now were my torturers. As soon as I walked through the front door a voice called out from behind me," Hey, fag!"
I tried to ignore it, gripping my black, jansport, bookbag tighter, but as I pushed on through the crowds of teenagers kissed by the rays of the Florida coast, there it was again like an obnoxious fruit fly buzzing around my head, "Hey,fag! Did you not here me?"
Ah, there he was in all his "glory", the star of the varsity soccer team himself, Josh Ingle. Now I know what you're thinking, Hey Josh? Yes reader? Why do you and that guy have the same first name? Well, funny you should ask. You see, me and  Joshie-pooh over there used to be very tight, we actually bonded over our names and did everything together. Until I came out.
He was the first person I told and he supported me, but when everyone else thought it was disturbing and weird he took it to a new extreme. He is the reason I am who I am today, and I thank him so fricken much.
I tried to walk as fast as I could to get to my new locker I glanced down at my schedule to find my number. Okay, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209. I was almost there when.... He caught up to me, ugh.
"How is my favorite fag doing this fine morning."
I tried not to let his harsh words get to me, but sometimes it's too much. To tell you the truth, he was the first person I ever had feelings for. Like real ooey-gooey liking. So, it still kind of hurt when he insulted me. He doesn't look the type with freckled,tan skin, light brown eyes, and shaggy brown hair, he seems to be the person that would comfort you in a time of need, not tare you down when you need support the most.
"I said," he pushed,"How is my favorite fag?"
Aha! There it is 1209, I started to dial in the combo....5 right....19 left....13 right. Click! The metal door swung open and I started to empty my seemingly 50lb bag into the small tin rectangle, a welcome distraction from my current situation.
"Are you deaf or something fag?" he really easy going to give up was he?
I sighed," No, I heard you Josh, I heard you loud and clear. I just don't care."
"Are you seriously going to talk to me like that your fucking piece of-"
"Yes, I am, and maybe between all your being popular and torturing those who have done absolutely nothing to you, you could learn to cut back on the cussing. I am and I can't even begin to tell you how good I feel," I spat sarcastically
" Don't you-"
"No, don't you!" I interrupted him again," now if you'll excuse me...."
I tried to push past him but he cut me off,
" Where do you think your going?"
"To class, someplace you should go,"
" Try not to spread your gayness every where on your way! Do you hear me?" he shouted after me.
By this time I had already made my way half way down the hall so I turned around flicking him off and shouting back toward him,
"Loud and clear!"
I turned around, and bumped right into someone. He walked out of a classroom and bonked right into me. I dropped the binder I had been holding, spewing the new loose-leaf paper everywhere,
"Sorry dude," he said apologetically,
"No problem."
Before I could catch a peek of mystery boys face, he had crouched down and was trying to gather the paper that had erupted from my binder only moments before. In the few seconds prior to assisting him in cleaning up, I took a moment to look over this hunk of a man on his knees before me. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Now I know what y'all are thinking, "Dude stop being such a creep, you are actually starting to freak me out!" But if you got a glimpse of this fine specimen on the floor in front of me, you would be drooling like a hungry dog at a Fourth of July picnic. He had broad muscular shoulders, and arms that you would just love to hold you tight *wink wink*  he also had midnight black hair in a military taper with longer hair on the top. Enough staring!
I knelt down to his level and started pick up the paper that was still strewn all over the linoleum floor. When we collected all that was salvageable, he handed me his stack. As soon as I saw his face, I almost died. He had paler skin than Josh but just as many freckles, his nose looked as if it had been broken a few times. And his eyes, they were a dull shade of green, I could fall into those eyes, trust those eyes. I finally made my way down to his mouth, his bottom lip was slightly fuller than the top and they were a deep red shade, the top lip being lighter. If I could express how much I wanted to kiss those lips.
I was still fantasizing about his lips when they moved,
"I'm sorry, what?" I asked.
" I said, 'I'm sorry for bumping into you like that,'"
"Oh, it's no problem. It was actually my fault, I wasn't paying attention,"
I started to insert the paper back into those three small rings. 
" I'm Tobi, by the way,"
Ahhhhhhhhhhh, even his name was hot,
" My name's Josh," I supplied as I took his outstretched hand.
His hand was soft and warm, yet rough at the same time. God, what I would give to feel those hands on my body.
No! I scolded myself, stop thinking like that, it's never gonna happen!
" Well," he said his voice dragging me away from my wayward thoughts, "It was nice meeting you Josh. Hey, could you help me get to  AP Bio with Ms. Gibson?"
"Yeah, actually, I have her for first too."
"Thank God," he sighed," I thought I was gonna have to ask like 20 people before anyone even bothered to give me the time of day."
We both chuckled as we started the trek across the school to the blue hallway, because at this school every hallway is a different color. I know right, fun, fun ,fun!
"So," I inquired, " What brings you to sunny Florida?"
"My dad,"
"Care to elaborate?"
"My, uh, parents split up when I was 4 or 5 and I haven't seen my dad in a few years. So I decided to come live with him,at least until I graduate."
"That's cool,"
"Not really," he chuckled, "but, yeah."
We walked in silence until we reached the classroom,
"This is it." I said gesturing to the door.
We reached for the handel at the same time and our hands bumped, I swear I could feel the sexual tension in the air....but, then again, it may have come from the couple going at it not even 4 feet away.
Authors note:
Wow! This is my first time doing one of these. It's kind of exciting!

Anyways, tell me what you think and all that other crap....

Oh, and I'm sorry if I offended anyone by using the f-word, please don't hate on me😆


Peace out, can't wait until next time,
P.S.: I wrote this at 4 in the morning so excuse the spelling mistakes😆

P.P.S.: I would just like to thank @angeliswings for my first ever vote

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2018 ⏰

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