Chapter 7

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Ryan The Raven

The portal let out in an ally behind a dumpster. It was night and raining but the street were lit up by street lights and store signs.

Where is store? Ryan thought flying to the light on the street corner. he flew up and down street after street till finally he found it The Wondering Mage.

He looked for a window to get in to the store but none were open. The old man that owned the shop was closing up and as he opened the door he swooped in. Hiding behind fake plastic birds until the man was gone.

where girl? he thought, he looked up and down every isle but she was no where to be found. As he was about to give up on the search but then he heard voices from behind a door in the back of the room. Flying to the floor he hopped to a door that said supply closet.

Scratching at the door, he waited for someone to open the it.

The person that opened the door was a pretty red head girl, did you hear that Reek? she asked as she walked around an inspected the store. Ryan made his way slowly in to the room and hid on top of one of the book shelves. He was finally where he needed to be to investigate Myah Erins.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2017 ⏰

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