301 10 4


Yuri: Oh no

Chris ;3 : What's wrong?

Yuri: Victor.... Uhh

Yurio: Victor's horny

Yuri: YURIO!

Yurio: What? It's true! I can hear Victor complaining about his boner from his bedroom!

Phichit <3 : OwO

Yuri: Someone help me

Victor: Yuri help me ;3

Yuri: How the hell am I gonna do that? You're all the way in Russia!

Victor: Remind me again why you didn't come with me to Russia?

Yuri: Because my mum wanted me to help out at the hot springs

Victor: TT^TT She bribed you with Pork, didn't she?

yuri-katsuki has left the chat
yuri-katsuki has been added to the chat by victor-nikiforov

Victor: Yuri~ -_-

Yuri: •.•

Phichit <3 : (ง✧◡✧)ง

Victor: When I get back to Japan

Victor: I'm gonna punish you

Yuri: (;;●﹏●)

Phichit <3 : (눈¡¡눈) Wow

yuri-plisetsky has left the chat

Victor: Oh no, we scared our child


*throws a chapter in your face* Here
I got lazy and had 0 ideas

Bye now

kik • YOI Groupchats Where stories live. Discover now