She Doesn't Know

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Everyone agrees she's lovely.

Her glossy, ebony hair falls till mid-back, her skin glows like she positively bathes in moonlight everday, her slim features are contrasted by a curvy, sensual body and her flashing eyes and billion dollar smiles are known to create testosterone frenzies.

There has been no one who has escaped her charm yet when she's brought out her big guns; her unmatched charisma and scintillating presence.

People will stop in their paths and block corridors when they see her standing there; she's never alone.

Her confidence flows out of her in unbound torrents and they flock her like thirsty cattle.

It's as if the world revolves around her.

Yet, sometimes, when she thinks no one's watching, when she's out, shopping with her best friends, she'll stand in front of the full length mirror and an almost unnoticeable grimace will pass over her lovely features.
Her eyes will critically scan her body from head to toe, dressed in a knee length, yellow Valentine that she had absolutely loved. They will linger at her waist, her hips and her legs and then she'll quietly change back into her own clothes.
When Lily will ask her if she's going to buy it or not ("you looked fantastic in it!!"), she'll nonchalantly shake her head and say it wasn't quite her colour.

He'll silently watch her lying through her teeth. There was no colour that she couldn't own and she knew it.

Sometimes she'll bring her flavour of the month along.
Those are especially trying times for him.

She'll emerge from the trial room in all her ethereal glory and do a spin for them, exuding innocent happiness over her intended purchase, and he'll grit his teeth as the bastard let's his eyes linger too long in places that he really shouldn't if he values his ability to breathe.

Sometimes they'll have the audacity to tell her, "That dress doesn't quite fit right sweetie, it's for skinnier girls" and Lily will have to quickly grab his arm before he lets one loose and break the idiot's jaw.

Instead he'll watch with something akin to horror, jaw clenched tight, as the smile drops from her face, briefly replaced by such an intensely hurt expression that his stomach will lurch, before she recovers, plasters on a fake smile for propriety's sake and goes to change the outfit that she'd so painstakingly chosen, especially to impress that jerk who didn't deserve it, lips pursed and eyes cast low.

He'll viciously celebrate when she dumps the guy the next month.

A year later.....

They're out shopping....again.
But this time it's different. This time there's no idiot with them who has official liberty to ogle her in front of him.

That is his official right now.

He smirks to himself.

An hour in, she emerges from the trial room in a vintage cocktail dress. Lily whistles at his side.
It has a deep v-neck and a slit runs down the left leg. It's snug around her figure and hugs her just right. The royal blue compliments her glowing skin.
She looks gorgeous.


"Why the long face buddy?" Lily asks.

"Looks a tad bit too showy, don't you think?" She murmurs, not quite meeting his eyes.
Now, he'd never tell her to wear things that she considers too revealing, he's a gentleman afterall, but he can see through her lies like distilled water.

"I think you look gorgeous, Ryder" he smiles softly at her.

Dark eyes peek up at him through dark tresses.

"You think so?" She's adept at disguising her insecurity as casual curiosity.

"Well the way that salesman over there is gazing at you, I'd say definitely. But since I hate sharing you with anyone else and I know you'll believe what I say (he gives her a pointed look) I'd say you might just be the loveliest thing to walk the planet."

She blushes, a guilty expression gracing her face, knowing he'd seen through her lie.

Leave it to Lily to burst their bubble.

"I'd leave you two here to exchange gooey stares and blush at each other, but I'm enjoying this way too much. I'll make sure to get Killean and a large bucket of popcorn next time. Then we can all have a romance fest right here, outside the ladies' trial room."

And they all burst out laughing. He hugs them both tight (they squeal and tell him to let go) and thinks that life couldn't have led him to a better place. He'd make sure to plan more vacations in the future.

And he'd make sure that there's always someone there to to her how beautiful she is.
Lily does take Shane with them on their next outing to the mall. Though the security doesn't let her take the popcorn inside the store.

Zara still gets concious over her appearance sometimes. He's always there to tell her how beautiful she looks.

He makes sure to tell her that several times a day.

When she's down with flu.

When she dresses up as Olaf on Halloween.

When she's at the alter with him.

When she's pregnant with Chara.

And she never grimaces at her reflection ever again....


Inspired from the latest update of "We"

This is my indirect way of inviting you two to send me comatose with feels so I can reciprocate.

Much love,

Mild Observations By Anna BensonWhere stories live. Discover now