Made of Money

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In this story: W for Wally West and D for Dick Grayson.

D: So, did you ask your Mom? (A\N: I am not American, but the American spelling of Mum is used for a reason.)

W: She asked if I thought she was 'made of money'.

D: I thought MOM stood for 'Made Of Money'...?

W: We should ask her sometime.


D: Batman had me find a needle in a hay stack during training today.

W: WTF. Why...?!?!?!

D: No idea. Anyway, I accidentally set the batcave on fire.

W: How are these related?

D: I burnt the hay stack to find the needle cause I CBA with life.

W: Are you grounded?

D: Until I can find a way out of it... Yes.

W: Have fun with that.

D: Never mind Lego, I hope someone impales your foot with a butchers knife.

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