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Edward pov

I left her. I actually left my only reason for existing. Never thought I would be saying that.She probably hates me,hell I hate me. But I had to do it. I had to protect her from ME. Its not safe for her to be with me. I miss her. I want her. I need Her. My Bella. NO! Bella isn't mine anymore. I will never forget the look on her face when I told her I didn't want her or how she desperately tried to reason for me to stay. You wanna know what I feel?I feel depressed lost broken or a better word .Gone. Esme and Carlisle can't even look at me the same because I made them leave their baby. Alice and Emmett can't because I made them leave their sister and best friend. Surprisingly Rosalie can't either because she did love Bella and thought it was her fault we left and so does Jasper.I really am a monster because I took not only a piece of me but everyone else away.


Bella pov

Numb.That's how I feel. I can't believe that sorry ass excuse for a fucking vampire left me. WOW. Ive never used so many swear words in a sentence. YOU KNOW WHAT ...WHO THE FUCK CARES.Im done caring now. No matter how much I begged him not to leave he did anyway and he didn't even turn back. What kind of shit was that. Fuck EDWARD ANTHONY MASEN SHITTY HEAD CULLEN. Well I guess its time for a change and Im doing it.Bella its time for a trip outta town. The new and improved Isabella Swan.No more Bella now its Isa or Izzy. I feel less depressed well at least I can pretend not to be. Here we go.

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