Liam - Theo's sister

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You were visiting your older brother, Theo, in Beacon hills. You don't talk much seeming you live on the other side of the country in New York, but he's invited you done for Christmas. It's only the beginning of November so you knew he'll be in school.

Luckily you still have a key to the house from when you used to live there. When you got there you unpacked and headed to the school, Theo was at lacrosse practice and he said you could come and watch.

When you got there you sat down in the bleachers as practices started. While watching practice a certain number caught your eye, number 09. He was doing great, almost as better as Theo.

As practice ended, number 09 took of his helmet. 'Hello hotty' you immediately thought, he was so cute. He reminded you of a cute puppy, he saw you and smiled. You blushed slightly and looked away.

Before Theo came out, number 09 came and walked over too. "Hey, I'm Liam what's you name?"


"Y/n, that's a pretty name." He sits next to you. "So, you're not from round here are you?"

"How could you tell?"

"Your accent, let me guess...New York."

"Correct, I used to live here but then I moved to New York with my aunt and uncle."

"Nice, so are you into lacrosse?"

"I've never played, just came to see my brother...If I'm honest, I'm more of a baseball girl."

"Well, if you ever want to learn some lacrosse give me a call" he gives you piece of paper with his number on it. " So, who's your brother"

Just then, you see Theo come over. " He's here now." You run over and Theo sweeps you up and gives you a hug.

"I've missed you sis"

"You too bro"

"I better get going, see you round y/n" then Liam left. He smiles at you before he leaves.

You turn to your brother and see him glaring at Liam. "Hey, what's the look for?"

"I just can't believe, your first day here and one of my teammates is already flirting with you."

"He wasn't flirting, he just gave me his number."

"Are you going to call him?"

"Maybe." You two them walked over to his car, after being lectured on the boys in Beacon Hills and saying if any hurt you Theo will deal with them.

By the time you went to bed all that was on your mind was that little Liam, and he's cute puppy look.

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