~Chapter One~ the beginning

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As I was running through the woods from the monstrosity of a creature chasing me I feel a sudden emptiness in my hand as darkness sweeps over my surroundings. I've dropped my lantern, Suddenly I trip on what felt like a log. I must have ran in a complete circle, I was back where I started with the entity hovering over me. I let out an agonizing wale with terror in my eyes.

So let's start this off by introducing myself. My names T. I'm 19 and a few of my friends and I are taking a weeks break out of our college time to go camping out of town in a so called 'haunted' forest, but I don't believe it. Simons probably pulling our legs again. He's always been a bit of a jokester.
We met at the beginning of college, most of us were outcasts. We quickly all became close friends and hung out regularly. I finish packing a small backpack and a cooler with enough food for a week and a few extra days. As I slip on a sweater and get a text from my friend Abby who will also be joining us.
Abby: Hey T! You ready to go?
T: Almost, I just have to find my hat.
Abby: Well hurry up! Simon, Zane, Lexi and I will wait for you outside in the van.
T: Okay, be out soon.
(Chat Ended)
"Where is my hat?!" I said aloud to myself in frustration, I hear a honk from outside my apartment. "I'M COMING!" I yell knowing that they can't hear me.
I eventually give up and head to the door.
I look at my kitchen counter and see my hat sitting there. "Oh." I say in embarrassment, I put it on, grab my bags and head out. I get out to the car and slide the back door open. "Hey guys!" I say cheerfully, I get many 'hi's or 'hey's and a few welcoming smiles. I sit down next to Zane and Lexi with Simon in the drivers seat and Abby in the passengers, holding hands. I hear Simon turn the key and start up the ignition and we're on our way.

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