~Chapter Eight~ a loved ones loss

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"IT'S MY FAULT!" Yelled Abby, as hot tears ran down her face. "What? Abby no. No it's not." Said Lexi, trying to console her friend. "BUT IT IS!" "how. How could it ever be your fault-" she cut off Zane and yelled, "IF WE HADN'T FOUGHT THEN HE WOULDN'T HAVE... HAVE DONE... that." Her head hanging as she spoke, muffled sobs filled the air. All I could do was stare at her in awe, I haven't seen her like this before. It was excessively dark, the only thing lighting what's surrounded us was Zane's flashlight. He focused the light on Abby, I slowly walked over to her, I knelt down by her and she threw her arms around my neck, shoving her head into my chest crying out. I slowly picked her up, cradling her close. I carried her to her tent and placed her on blankets, I told Lexi to stay with her and try to calm her, she agreed and sat with her trying to console her friend once again. I walked over to Zane, he looked into my eyes, he was drowning in concern. The look in his eyes pierced my heart like daggers, he and I felt terrible for Abby. Losing someone like that must be so difficult to deal with. We could hear occasional cries from the tent, which were usually followed by hushing and muffled sorrow filled words. I sat down my the burned out fire watching the silhouette of Simons corpse sway as a cold breeze ran down the back of my neck, I shivered and looked over at Zane who was blankly starring out into the woods, the wind blew and the trees shook. "Zane, how are you doing?" I asked, resting my hand on his shoulder. He didn't answer me, he just started out into the whistling trees. The wind started to pick up and my hair covered my eyes, blinding me for a moment. I shook Zane and grabbed his arm, hauling him up and back into the tent. I sat him down on his sleeping bag and closes the tent.
I sat down on mine and pressed my knees into my chest, resting my chin on my knees and starred at my book that layed at my feet, it was the novel Simon have me on my birthday, the first one I spent with him. I had read it so many times I could quote the entire thing at will. My breathing hitched and my eyes glossed over as I thought of Simon running into the woods after the fight between he and Abby.
I was snapped out of my thoughts by Zane quietly saying, "we need to leave. We're not safe here." I looked at him for a moment, he turned and faced me, his eyes were red and puffy from the tears that stained his cheeks.
My hands shook and I let out a trembling sigh and replied, "I know, we're leaving in the morning. Just try to get some rest." He nodded and slid into his bag, hugging the blanket and shoved his face into his pillow.
I grabbed my book, hugging it to my chest and layed down on my pillow, starring at the top of the tent. I heard a soft whimper and Zane said "I'm scared T." I replied with "I know. I am too."

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