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It's 2:37 AM. How the fuck do you drag someone out at 2:37AM to go to a park, that's obviously closed. Dylan knows. Dylan fucking Alvarez, the man who had George Ragan wrapped around his finger, without even realizing it. George watched Dylan as he tried to climb over the fence to get in the park.

"I just want to get in the park and go swing," Dylan growls in frustration.
"How high are you?" George teases, knowing that Dylan cleaned up his act.
"George, I just. Will please boost me?" Dylan asks, his voice soft.

To Dylan this was a night of taking chances. He hadn't smoked or drink in a month, not since Anna had gotten pregnant. Dylan swears to himself that it's maybe at least a sixty percent chance it's his. He came back from tour, hadn't touched her, found out she was pregnant. They announced her pregnancy really quick. Dylan confided in George more than Daniel about kids. Just something about George he felt like he could trust and not 'Repeat everything to Reece then who tells the rests of the girls so it will trace back to Anna.'

George gave Dylan a boost, which got him over the fence. George was a bit more strong than small Dylan, he pulled himself over the fence no issue. They walk over to the swings together. George just sort of sat in the swing, Dylan sat and started to swing right away.

"What's going on Dyl?" George asks as he watch the other man swing.
"It's nothing, I just wanted to swing homie, shit. I brought you along so I wouldn't be investigated," Dylan replies as he keeps swinging.
"Well, I just want to fucking help Dylan," George growls at him.
"George, believe me, it's nothing," Dylan barks back at the other man.

George just shut his lip. He didn't say anything as he lightly swayed back and forth and and watched Funny get up there. After a few minutes, George picked up the conversation.

"Dylan?" George starts.
"WHAT GEORGE WHAT?" Dylan screams about loudly for 2:50AM.
"What is it? What's eating you?" George's voice soft.
"It's not mine...IT'S NOT MINE! SHE SWEARS IT'S MINE, WHEN IT'S NOT! THE MATH DOESN'T ADD UP. I DIDN'T TOUCH HER AT ALL WHEN WE GOT BACK FROM TOUR AND WE FOUND A MONTH LATER SHE'S PREGNANT? GOING TO TO THE DOCTORS TO CONFIRM THAT SHE'S A MONTH AND A HALF ALONG. FUNNY I WAS ON TOUR THEN! IT'S.....not.......mine.," Dylan had given up swinging by the end of his screaming match with no one. Dylan had broken down to cry as his swing gets stopped by George.

George stood there, hugging Dylan to his chest, and Dylan stayed in the swing and cried. Dylan's tears staining the other man's jacket. Dylan shivered. It was California in the spring, no reason to be cold. Dylan was cold, since body temperature changes with your emotions. George pulled off the jacket he was wearing and draped it around Dylan. Dylan fell quiet about ten minutes later, only soft snores leaving his lips. George pulls the heavy sleeper into his hold, his arms going around George's neck and his legs arounds George's waist. George had his arms wrapped around the man. George walks them up the grassy hill and then lays down under a tree. He had detangled Dylan from him however he kept Dylan close to him. His hand ran through the other man's hair. His locks a bit tangled and in need of a hair cut. A small whimper came from Dylan then he mumbled.

"I love you, George," Dylan says so peacefully, so soft, then continues back to his sleep.

George pressed a loving kiss to Dylan's head, figure that was good enough as an 'I love you, too.' Those were the words George longed to hear, but not this way. Not when Dylan was emotionally vulnerable and George was there healing the wound. He wanted it naturally. He wanted it after a long day of work. He wanted it before they'd fall asleep in each other's arms. He wanted Dylan, he cannot have Dylan. He can't steal away the father to that poor child. If it is Dylan's, it's going to need all guidance it can get from Dylan. If it's not Dylan's, then what was going to go down?

"George stop that," Dylan mumbles.
"You can't even see me," George points out.
"You're over thinking, that's not a visual thing. It's the fact you're pulling my hair," Dylan utters.
"Shit...sorry," George mumbles.

George's fingers let go of Dylan's hair but stay tangled in there. His eyes started to close after laying there for a few minutes. Dylan emitted little snores into George's chest. George slept quietly through the night.

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