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3rd winnerCongratulations to SugarUnnie! You won the following prizes and you can get this by sending it in your Private Message in the last round. 

-1 Book Cover = I Met EXO - K.. EWW

-1 Trailer = I Met EXO - K.. EWW

-1 Poster GIF = I Met EXO - K.. EWW

-Promote 1 of your stories = I Met EXO - K.. EWW

-1 different logos/watermarks png

-Follow from my personal account and 2nd account

2nd winnerCongratulations to rated_xpg! You won the following prizes and you can get this by sending it in rdyour Private Message in the last round

-2 Book Covers = Most Precious Girl, Limited Days to Love (KathNiel)

-2 Trailers = 20 Peso Bill Love Affair (KimXi), Limited Days to Love (KathNiel)

-2 Poster GIFs = Limited Days to Love (KathNiel), 20 Peso Bill Love Affair (KimXi)

-Judge for the next round (Optional)

-Promote atleast 2 of your stories = Limited Days to Love (KathNiel), 20 Peso Bill Love Affair (KimXi)

-1 pack of exclusive renders/pngs

-2 different logos/watermarks png

-Follow from all my accounts

1st winnerCongratulations to Yourlonglostsister! You won the following prizes and you can get this by sending it in your Private Message in the last round.

-3 Book Covers = Bingi ka?! (One Shot), A Paper (One Shot), Let's Break Up (One Shot)

-3 Trailers = Bingi ka?! (One Shot), Akyat Bahay [One Shot], A Paper (One Shot)

-3 Poster GIFs = Jacket (One Shot), Signs Of Fate (One Shot), Ipis! (One Shot)

-Judge for the next round (Optional)

-Promote all your stories

-2 packs of exclusive renders/pngs

-3 different logos/watermarks png

-Follow from all my accounts

 Congratulations to all the contestants who joined in AGS Round 1, even though you didn't win, you can still join the next round! FIGHTING! =)) Again, CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL THE CONTESTANTS WHO PARTICIPATE AT THIS CONTEST!  

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