Boss Battle

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When Signe woke up, she was instantly blinded by a bright light above her, Sean's face smiling down at her like an angel.

"I must be in Heaven, right?" She slowly shook her head, pain throbbing in her temples.

"Because I'm here?" Sean smirked.

"Yeah you're right, it's probably Hell." She smirked back.

"Where are we?" Signe heard Amy say.

"I can walk you know." She reminded Sean who was still holding her bridal style.

"Fine." Sean rolled his eyes as he lowered her to her feet on the ground, holding onto her arm for a moment to make sure she was steady. The room was nicer than the hallway they came out of, the walls white with various machines lining the wall and the floor white tiled. It looked like a hospital.

"About time." The female voice they heard in the hall yawned.

They turned around to find the Queen glaring at them with her arms crossed.

"Thanks for bringing them to me." The Queen nodded in Felix's direction as a couple of scientists wrestled Sean's arms behind his back, kicking him behind the knees so he fell to the ground while Amy and Signe were led away from Jack and Felix despite their struggling.

Felix seemed to become very interested in his shoes as he stepped away from Jack.

"I needed one more test subject, and you know too much." The Queen paced around Jack as a scientist handed her a syringe filled with a pitch black colored liquid.

"Leave him alone!" Signe screamed, pulling against the scientist's grip on her arms.

The Queen ignored Signe and plunged the needle into Jack's neck, injecting the liquid into him.

Jack inhaled sharply, but otherwise made no sound as the scientists released him, letting him curl into a ball on the floor as he yelled in pain, his blue eyes squeezed shut as his body spasmed uncontrollably.

"Sean!" Signe screamed his name.

Only he wasn't Sean anymore.

When he opened his eyes, the left one was his regular eye color and the other was a bright green that matched his hair. Black veins were visible underneath his pale skin as he calmly stood up, not bothering to look back at Amy or Signe.

"Your Majesty." Sean bowed to the Queen while she smiled, obviously satisfied with the results of her experiment.

"Sean?" Signe repeated in a whimper.

"You can call me Anti darling." Jack moved in a blink of an eye in front of Signe, lifting her chin up so she was looking into his multicolored eyes.

"Bring in the other friends and the test subject D, we need to make sure they react well together." The Queen snapped her fingers.

"Why are you doing this?" Amy snarled.

"Blame America. Since we couldn't beat you, we joined you. Now that we can't join you, we'll beat you and the rest of the world." She shrugged nonchalantly as if discussing a fight between siblings instead of continents.

"Amy!" "Signe!" Ethan, Bob, Wade, Mandy and Tyler yelled as they were dragged handcuffed into the room and over by Amy and Signe. Amy and Signe felt relieved to see them alive, but angry at seeing them handcuffed.

All air seemed to leave the room as test subject D entered.


His eyes were red intertwined with black swirls, dressed in a black tight fitting t-shirt and jeans. His gaze immediately landed on Anti.

There's Only This (Sequel to There's Only Us) Where stories live. Discover now