How It All Started

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'You are terrible at looking' the note read.

The murderer shook his head.This was bad, she knew where he lived.He needed somewhere to hide where she'd never find out. At least were he would move there would hopefully be a bigger space, the aparment he was living in was a room as big as a bathroom and everything was stuffed in there. Imagine a room as big as a bathroom in there was a checkered red and green pillow that was worn out in the corner of the small room with a thin covering that had stains all over it below the pillow. (he had used that for twenty years now) Imagine a toliet right in the middle of the room with no toliet paper roll. The floor was covered with tiles and the walls were black there were no windows or light except for a crack of light that spread in a small corner he never got light from his padlocked door.

Looking for places were hard for him not because of his dark features that included brown eyes that were beautifully placed or all his piercings or because of his brown shaggy hair or his death looking tattoos.Because of her the one that had been haunting him for years for killing her own sister he had dated.He often found that living by himself was easier, no memories and no light it was his own comfort. If he needed food he would simply call his prisoners from out the back chained to his apartment he would let them go get food or he threatened to kill them.

He wanted to go.He had packed up it took him about ten seconds after all he didn't have much to put away.He left 2:00 in the morning as the girl had expected so as he was about to get out and leave forever as he headed to the door he noticed a note as he was walking it read:

Keith~ You will never get away. You will never be forgive. You will never live long enough to see me.

He wondered what she meant by "You will never live long enough" It was bad she knew his name he never was called that by any one else. Everyone else called him "Dodger"

*~< Cover by Scryenne >~*

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