Chapter One

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Tofus tail flicked and her ears twitched. Her eyes slowly fluttered open and in front of her she saw the entrance of the WoW castle where a small moat lay surrounding the castle walls. The slow lapping water swished against the rock bed surrounding the moat itself. Tofu sighed. The peaceful kingdom was always quiet and it was hard to find someone who wished for a small cyborg kitten professional assassin to assassinate someone.

She always stayed up late protecting her loved ones in the palace and protecting the people of WoW. Although assassinating people for money was her full time job, she only did it to protect the WoW.

Empress Bun Bun lowered the heavy drawbridge and the pangadotah(panda, Pegasus, dog, cheetah with uni horn) stepped out and greeted her house cat Tofu. "Morning lil' Tofu." Tofu smiled and hopped down the sturdy tree.

She rubbed her fluffy Burmese pelt agaisnt the pangadotahs large paws. It all seemed happy, quiet, and overall peaceful...until the darkSINS came...

(EDIT: I know its short but I mean...its more of a chapter to only foreshadow)

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