Chapter 1

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Bang's POV:

Okay This Is how it all started. Our Managers Wanted us to spend some time together. They Think so of his leadership and talent can rub off on me. Seriously! He's Freaken younger than me! Isn't it suppose to be the other way around!

Sure he Has the looks, Composes music, gets all the ladies, a great rapper.. Blah Blah Blah...

But What he don't got is respect. Well I don't have that either....

Anyways we never spend time with each other, and only talk when we insult one another. AND WE'RE NOTHING ALIKE!

Well except our aditude and way of talking...

~ Anyways It's midnight and once again I heard moans coming through the walls seperating Zico's and My bedroom.

I Can't take it anymore. Everyday he brings a different girl home and fuck them. Why can't he stop for one night and let me get my sleep!

I can't stay in this house for a minute longer! I grabbed my phone and keys and left the house Quicky, making sure to slam the door hard.

I Left to the lake.

Zico's POV:

I heard the door slam and stopped what i was doing and went to go check what happen. I saw Bang's door open with him not inside it.

He must have left. "No reason to annoy him now. "

I walked back to my bedroom. " Get out." "But O-oppa?"

"Just get out you bitch!" She started to sob and took her clothes and ran out of our appartment.

I ruffled my hair an fell on my bed. "Where did her go..?"

Bang's POV.

( Chollas Lake. I went there today and thought of wrting about it <3 It's a beautiful place. )

I walked down the dirt road and started walking around the lake. Some might say it's creepy at need. They're right.

But It's okay for me. I could fight and go all Bang Yong Guk on them. It was a really long route but it made me clear my mind of all that moaning.

Doesn't he even care about what I think..

I signed in fustration and layed down on one of the benches, looked up at the stars.

I'm starting to get the feeling of jealousy for him. But I would never admit that now. To be honest. I admired him when we first met. But I let the stubborn side get the best of me.

I was thinking of apologizing but then his playerish side showed up. It Made me angery and fustrated I didn't know why.

I just wanted this thing what ever it is to be over with so I don't feel pained to see him with those sluts.

Wait did I just think that. Was I really Feeling Pained?

~ ¤ ~ Slowly ~ ¤ ~

I kind of think it doesn't make sense. To be honest I got and idea of what might happen. But I don't know how to lead to it right now.


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