A Reasonable Alibi

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So I'm alive...

And it's been two months and I've been not doing good progress...

But hey atleast I'm doing something!

But that aside, I usually just run out of writing motivation and get it back on the dumbest of times. (Like getting the urge to make a plot in the middle of a 2 hour math class and it just started)

Or I just don't know what to put or how I can make you people that bother to read (gee thanks) interested or make you visualize it

Or I'm just drawing

Or I'm lazy. .-.

But it's almost mah bday, and so... expect a determined me to actually get you some content (I sound like a Youtuber)

And to make up for it, here's me but as a ton of colorful digital boxes

And to make up for it, here's me but as a ton of colorful digital boxes

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Also here's me progress updates on the stories

MMCA- it's still alive, the entire cast is complete, plot is finished, just need to word it out

Alone- well I'm still busy finishing the plot, but them characters are all done... well maybe an extra five or so would be nice... but so far getting it to chapter 4 is a priority (expect the main plot to start there. If not wait for it :P)

Wrong Timing- fun fact- this was the very first story concept I created, and it was created when I was in like grade five... (you don't know my age or current status in life but that's a very general hint to get you wondering)

It's already ready, just rummaging through my old notes to actually complete the cast and stuff, put all the dumb jokes I found funny as a child in it, and that's it (maybe)

And probably a new pl-- no. Not yet. ATLEAST GET A BOOK HALFWAY BEFORE DOING IT

Ye that's just about it

Please tell me off and I'd warmly accept your insults for being a dog dressed as a potato who is superglued to the couch.

Bye :D

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2018 ⏰

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