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"Come on Hermione!" Cried Lavender, Ron's girlfriend.
Hermione didn't even like her but she agreed to play truth or dare with her, Ginny and Harry. Technically Luna was playing as well but she seemed to be gazing into space. Ron hadn't arrived yet and according to Harry, he was still asleep.

Typical Ron. Hermione smiled to herself.

It was Lavenders idea so that made Hermione very reluctant to agree but Ginny had persuaded her.

Ron walked into the hall and for a moment, Hermione forgot about the dare until Ginny kicked her under the table and Lavender screamed.
"Don't- you- dare!" She gasped.
"Thing is, Lavender, you did, and now Hermione will." Said Ginny coolly.

Hermione hesitated. True, she loved Ron, but she wasn't about to steal someone's boyfriend.
Ron came over to the table, yawning.
"Squidge up Ginny." He said, squeezing in next to Harry.
Everyone was staring at him, apart from Hermione, who was staring at her lap.
"What?" He asked.
"Lavender dared Hermione to kiss the next person that walks through the doors and you were the next person to walk in." Said a dreamy voice next to a very red Hermione.
"Well, a dare is a dare Lavender." Said Ginny.
Ron shot her a look then turned to Hermione.
"So, where is it then?" He asked.
It took a while for everyone to realised what he meant then Lavender burst into tears and ran out into the hall.

Ron look slightly relieved.
"I have wanted to dump her for ages now." He said, filling up his plate with sausages.
Hermione stared at him, open-mouthed.
"I didn't- I wasn't-"
"Don't worry Hermione, I know you wouldn't steal someone's boyfriend."
Hermione suddenly recovered.
"That was a really mean way to break up with her Ronald." She scolded but nevertheless, there was a small smile playing around her lips.

An owl landed on Hermione's homework when she was sat in the Gryffindor Common Room by the fire.

Meet me in the Room of Requirement now.

There was no signature. She got up and made her way to the seventh floor corridor and opened the door that had appeared. Inside stood Ginny, Ron was sat on a sofa behind her.
"Sit." Ginny ordered.
Hermione sat next to a very confused-looking Ron. Ginny slowly made her way towards the door.
"A dare is a dare Hermione, and don't deny that you want to."
And with that, she disappeared through the door. That was a click and Hermione knew they were locked in. She had a feeling a simple "alohomora" wouldn't work.

Ron turned to face her.
"Hermione-" he began.
She lifted a finger and pressed it to his lips, stopping him from talking.
She then leaned in and pecked him on the lips.
She made to pull away when a pair of arms wrapped themselves around her waist.
"Oh no you don't." He whispered against her lips.
He kissed her again.

They sat huddled together for what felt like hours, talking and laughing. Or else, just sitting there, enjoying each other's company.
There was a click and the door swung open and Ginny stood in the doorway.

"So?" She demanded.
"What?" Asked Hermione.
"Do I need to spell it out for you?" She asked sarcastically.
"That may help, yes." Replied Ron.
Ginny huffed.
"C-O-U-P-L-E." She spelt.
Hermione realised what she was going on about.
"Well?" Ginny demanded again.
"Ginny- I don't think-"
"That is it appropriate seeing that Ron and Lavender only just broke up?" Ginny finished impatiently.
Hermione opened and closed her mouth wordlessly.

Ron suddenly turned to Hermione.
"Hermione, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked.
Hermione turned to him.
"Y-yes." She stammered.

"Finally!" Cried Ginny, slumping to the floor dramatically.
"Such a drama queen." Muttered Ron.
Hermione laughed.

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