Raven's Passion

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My new novel, Raven’s Passion that is a prequel to Passion’s Price, will be published in February. This story is about Golden Dawn and Little Buffalo, who earns the name Raven Who Flies To Meet The Clouds in book one, Passion’s Vision.  If you have read Passion’s Vision then you know that Little Buffalo is Red Panther’s ‘near son’ or  ‘adopted son’.  Golden Dawn is New Moon’s and Red Panther’s daughter.

 Raven is having difficulty finding a place in a world that puts an unfavorable cast on a young brave that is considered to be a half-breed. Harder still is to watch how others treat his little ‘near sister’, Golden Dawn.

 I wrote this story by request of readers that wanted more background on Golden Dawn and Raven after reading Passion’s Price.

 Here is the prologue to Raven’s Passion. I hope you enjoy this introduction. I will post a few pages each week up to the publication date. If you would like to read the story that started the adventure of Raven and Dawn you can find it here….Passion’s Vision

If you want to read more about Raven and Dawn and the love that develops between them you can find it here…..Passion’s Price

Raven’s Passion


            Raven who Flies to Meet the Clouds ran toward a pair of older opponents, one with the ball set in his stick while the other worked to block and whip the young warriors on the opposing team. Raven moved deftly, continuing a long sprint that led him arcing behind the duo. His friend, Farthest Running Antelope, moved in from the other side, sticks held to his side with arms tense and jaw tight.

            The Cherokee around the field whooped as they saw the actions unfolding, calls echoing back and forth to bet on who would hit the others first. Antelope honored his totem, making a mad leap as he closed the distance to tackle the one with the ball. Raven spun with sticks outstretched, sweeping his adversary's feet out from under him just as he turned to see Antelope's attack.

            The rushed duo rolled to a stop in the dirt as Raven and Antelope took off back down the field with the ball in their control. A cluster of teammates from both sides rushed after the new targets while the watching crowd exchanged grains, knives, and other goods to settle their bets. Those items would surely swap hands a hundred times more before the game of stickball finally ended.

            Observers came and went as the game raced throughout the day, though some stood by with rapt attention to bet and cheer on friends. No official decision rested on this one's outcome, and there were mostly warriors and young men of Chota Town that played. However, this was the first full-scale game for many of the younger warriors. What's more, several experienced players were involved. Those that played now did so to prove themselves, earning respect and beginning to build their own stories of prowess and skill.

            Red Panther walked up behind his wife, wrapping his hands around the taught musculature of her curving waist, “Does he play well this day?”

            New Moon smiled, settling her hands atop the strong fingertips at her hips, “Very much so, and Antelope does nicely in the game too. Both stand strong and will do well when the village battles with Citico.”

            Panther chuckled, “We will see how they fair by the end of the day, but I have faith that both will have earned great respect.” He grinned suddenly, twisting and peering down as a small pair of hands wrapped around his leg, “Me wee bairn, so good at sneakin' up on yer da'.”

            Golden Dawn smiled up at her father, bright hair glowing in the sunlight and bright blue eyes flashing with her grin, “I wanna see Raven play! Lift me up, father!”

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