Bo Burnham (Requested)

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Since the person only said, "BO BURNHAM" I'm just gonna try to think of something? Okay, bare with me.

You held Bo's hand as you walked to the beach, smiling widely. You guys just got married and you were on your honeymoon, you went to Hawaii. You let go of Bo's hand and he walked into the water alone as you sat down in the sand, digging your toes into the sand. "Come on, Y/N (your name) get in the water!" Bo whined as he splashed about like a little kid. You shook your head no, you had a bathing suit on but you didn't really want to get wet.

"Please." Bo pleaded, puling an adorable pouty face. You hid your face in your hands, shaking your hand no again. You heard him do a fake evil laugh, making you raise your head. At first you could see him, but then you felt him pick you up and throw of over his shoulder. Squealing, you hit his back, "Bo, let me down right now!!" He just laughed, and being as clumsy as he was, he tripped, and both of you fell face first into the water.

You got your head above the water and saw Bo coughing, mostly laughing though, and you couldn't help but laugh as well. "Bo, you lil-" He cut you off by splashing water in your face. "Staaaahp." You playfully whined, splashing him back in the face. You two splashed each in the face, and Bo fell back. You tackled him, which made you start wrestling in the water. Bo picked you up again sat you on his lap as he sat in the sand.

"Can we watch the sun set?" You asked, it was about time for the sun to start setting, and you always thought it was beautiful. Bo said yes, kissing you on the top of the head. He rested his chin on the top of your head as you both stayed silent, just enjoying each other's company. You didn't need words to tell each what the silence already did. You knew that he loved you, and he knew that you loved him. You both stared at the sky as it turned various colors, pink, orange, and a few more. "Y/N, let's take a picture," he whispered in your ear.

You both turned around, you still sat in his lap, and he took the picture, the setting sun in the back ground with the calming waves. You ended up falling asleep in his lap, and you woke up in his arms as he carried you back up to your room in the condo. He smiled down at you, "I love you, Y/N." You smiled back up at him, "I love you, too, Bo." You giggled as you nuzzled your face in his chest, hugging him tight, falling back asleep.

This one was for noamichael1999! Thank you for requesting, but next time someone requests something do something more like this, "-describe you or what you want to look like, name who you want to be with in the story, and give a small non detailed thing of what you want to happen-" So, goodbye, llamas! :D Don't forget to request!

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