Uninvited Guests

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Uninvited Guests

"Any words you need to say to this Prince's golden gift, you will have to say in front of this Prince." Raiden told Lindsay.

"Its a private matter, " Lindsay said making an excuse.

"Private matter or not, this Prince's golden gift shall stay by this Prince. Either say it now or leave."

Jewels could see Lindsay hesitate, still thinking about her next move when Jewels put her out of her misery.

"Why, older sister, where are your manners?" Jewels said wiping the corner of her lips with a napkin while smiling slyly. "First you barge into the left wing unannounced and uninvited. Then you come in here without greeting your elders. Uncle Jude and Pop pop is of our own blood and you couldn't even tell them a good morning? You did not greet nor did you bow to Prince Raiden. Is not greeting your elders and honorable guest the most simplest form of etiquette that even a child would know about? You have been raised in the main house your whole life and received the highest paid education that Harvey could afford and yet you have already forgotten the most basic manners for a young lady to possess? What have they been teaching you over at the main house? What would Harvey and Lana say when they find out how you have embarrassed the Brooks name? Especially in front of His Highness?"

"You--" Lindsay started, but couldn't finish her thought because Prince Raiden was there and she didn't want to look unladylike in front of him.

"Not only that, but you want to go against Prince Raiden's words. Should Harvey find out that you went against Prince Raiden's words, you would be punished. " Jewels said egging her on. "Since I have so much affection for you and the fact that you have risen out of bed so early in the morning to come over to the left wing to talk to me, I'll let you say what you need to say. However, since Prince Raiden has made it clear that I am to be by his side, I'll listen to what you have to say right now in front of everyone."

Lindsay's hatred towards Jewels increased tenfold. Since when has Jewels become so conniving? Although her words reprimanded Lindsay's behavior, the way she said it was soft and slow that it sounded sincere, however it was nothing but sincere. It was scathing to her pride.

"As your older sister, I worry about you," Lindsay started. "When you left here a couple of days ago, there were rumors that you and Prince Raiden stayed under the same roof, under the same room. Then when you came back, the same rumors of you sharing a bed with Prince Raiden under the Brooks Manor came about as well. You are young and naive, as the youngest miss of the Brooks family, you should be more careful of your reputation as a lady."

"The Prince does what he wills." Jewels said nonchalantly while picking up her tea cup and bringing it to her lips. "Who am I to tell His Highness what he can and cannot do? Who am I but His Highness golden gift that he personally chose himself?"

Nodding up and down, Prince Raiden agreed with Jewels.

"As your sister, I'm telling you to remember about your decorum."

"And as your younger sister, I'm telling you to mind your own business. What Prince Raiden and I do is none of your business."

Forgetting about the other people in the room, Lindsay lost her self-control.

"How about I teach you a lesson in manners and acting like a lady?"

"I think I'll pass. Seeing how you can't even remember how to greet your own elders, I don't think you have any right to teach me anything about manners. And seeing how you slept outside for two days, in the same dress, no less, who are you to teach me how to act like a lady?"

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