1 - the club

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I walk out of the court house, to see 'my dad' standing against a black van. I just heard, I'll be living with him till I reach the age of 21. He's a odd person, rides a Harley and is part of a motorcycle club. 

"Oh my baby..." Tears fill his eyes when I reach him and he hugs me. I hug him back and feel tears come up. "Your stuff are in the back, are you ready to go?" I nod. "Can we stop at my old place first? I forgot one thing." He nods. 

We stop in front of the enormous house I used to live in, and I unlock the front door with my key. My little half sister from 6, Emma, immediately runs into my arms, and I spin her around. She's crying. My other sister from 14, Meredith, also walks up, also crying. "What's gonna happen now?" She asks. 

"I'm gonna live with my dad, my real dad." I explain. "We'll see each other, I promise. I'll visit, you two can sleep over at me." "Can we still make trips on your bike?"  I laugh and hug them both. "Ofcourse we can." I take the house key and hand it to her. "You're the woma of the house now, take care of everything, okay? You can always call me." I hug them one last time and than wistle. My big American Stafford Bandit runs up to him and I put him on the leash. 

"I'll see you soon." I press a kiss on their heads and leave. I put Bandit on the seat next to my dad in the van. "When they told me you would bring a dog, I expected a little fluffy thing, not a killer dog." We laugh. "Ready now?" I shake my head. I walk over to the garage, get on my bike, open the door and ride out. My dad's eyes fly open. 

I follow him, and we drive for about an hour. Finally we enter a town. 'Welcome to Charming' the sign reads. We enter a cute town, it's not very special or anything. We arrive at a place with a big fence in front of it. My dad wistles from the van and the gate get's opened by two guys. We're at the club. I look at all the bikes on the side, I have to admit, My bike is still the best, ahahahah. 

"Is that her?" I hear a grey haired man and a blond haired guy say to my dad as I park my bike, turn it off and put my helmet off, which makes my blond, curling hair fall out. I walk over to them and take my sunglasses off. "Hi, I'm Christine, but please call me Chris." The man hugs me. 

"Glad to finally have you here. This one couldn't stop talking about you." We all laugh. "I'm Clay, president." I look at his jacket. I notice the badges Redwood, First 9 and President. "Hi, I'm Jax." The freaking handsome guy hugs me and presses a kiss on my cheeck. They are all so... loving? Open? Is that the good word? 


After I met Gemma, Piney, Bobby, Juice, Opie and his wife Donna, they light the barbeque. "On our newest family member!" They all yell while we raise our beers. 

"Jax!" A pregnant woman comes out of a car and runs up to us. She looks bad. Drugs, for sure. "Wendy." Jax sighs. "Why the hell aren't you home?!" She screams and Gemma, JAx' mom, walks up. "Honey, let's go." With a lot of violence she get's her to leave. '" Who the hell is that?" I ask Jax. "My old girl. Don't ask me why. And yes, she's pregnant with my child. And yes, she's a heroïn addict." We laugh. 

"How old are you? You seem a little young to have a kid." I say. "22. And yes, I am. Luckily I have my mother, I have no idea how to raise a boy all on my own." "How about the mother?" "she won't be any part of his life. She's poisoning him, she's only the carrier. As soons as the baby's out, she'll go into rehab and never interfear with our lives again." I frown. This world is so different than from the shiny, catholic world I come from. 


"hey honey." my dad walks up to me. Jax and I have been constantly talking for the past two hours, I didn't even notice the time flashing by. We have so much in common. "I got all your stuff ready in the house, you ready to go?" I nod. "I'll see you at home than." He says while walking to his bike.

 "Well, get home safely." Jax says while we walk to my bike. "Yeah, I'm sure I'll be fine." I laugh. "Well, have a good night." I say. He hugs me, and when I pull back I look into his eyes. His finger slides over my cheeck. I slide my hands over the back of his neck and push my lips against his. He kisses me back, and we lean against me bike as he grabs my side and butt. I go with my hands through his hair. 

"JACKIE! COME HERE BRO!" I hear Juice scream and we immediately stop. "Be right there mate!" They all look drunk. "Your father can never know, he'll kill me." He speaks on a very serious tone. I nod and grab my stuff. I get on my bike and drive into the knight.


"This is your room." My dad says while opening the door to it. It's very light with a lot of windows, and it's decorated veeeery cute. "Donna and Gemma decorated it. do you like it?" I nod. "I love it!" 

I hug him. "Thanks dad, for everything." I feel tears come up my eyes, and I see the same happening to his. "You know... when your mom took you-" "What excactely happened?" I ask him and he sighs. "Sit down, I'll make some tea.


"When your mom and I met... everything around the club was... exciting. It al felt so innocent back than. But after you were born... she started acting different, more resposible, probably. She met that douchebag and got pregnant of him. That's when she left." I gasp. "Wow. So she cheated on you, and than blamed it all on you?" He nods. 

"It must have been terrible for you." He nods. "It was. It took me two months to leave the house.  I got full into the club, and got over it. But I always.... I just... you were gone." 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2017 ⏰

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