♡Le Queenie♡

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This fucker thinks he can spray me with some holy water x) nahh, never going to happen

He raped my phone x) couldn't get his hands off of it

He grew up in the stables of our castle, he's just jelly CX

But anywhore with all this randomness 😂
I love you nic, your a really fabash unicorn. But no as fabosh as me *flips hair* 😂✋

Like where have you been all my lye-eh-ie-f
😂😭 but your going to be a fabosh uncle cause I'm going to be a fabosh mother 😊

We met yesterday right? Well it feels like millions of years actually 🙌

But that's it king-icorn 😂 *sings and starts dancing* I don't know what the fuck just happened, but I really care. I'm going to get the fuck out, fuck this shit I'm out!

Shameless promo like always -ellipsism 💕

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2017 ⏰

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