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Eridan was walking over to sol's hive. He didnt know why, he was just bored.

He knocked loudly and sollux opened the door.

"What do you want fii2hbreath?"


"Then why are you here?"

"To see my kismesis"

"Bull2hiit. Why. are. you. here?"

Eridan hated thinking about it, but when sol said bullshit with his lisp, it was plain adorable.

Wait, you hate him, you cant feel like that for him!

Shut up this is my job.

Not anymore, sorry third person pov. We are useing the word 'you' now.

Fuck you.

You cant, we are disimbodied voices used to narate this shitty story

Hey! Its not shitty!

Ok it is, but stop fightimg, your ruining it.

Ok ill stop. 'You' is now in control!

I guess we should do this then

Be the lameass seadweller standing infront of his kismesis's hive==>

"To fuck you up." You came up to the first thing on your mind. You where really there to see his cute face

You need to stop thinking about the red feelings you may or may not have for him.


or do you...

Even if you did, he would never love you, he hates you too much...

You get your head out of the clouds. Sollux seemed to be laughing. He picks you up with his phonics and throws you to the ground, face first.

"Try agaiin later." He smirked before closing the door.

You knew he just kicked your ass but-


Even though it is...

God you cant stop thinking about it for some reason.

You lay there, deep in thought, for a good ten minutes before getting up. "Damn it" you wisper so sollux doesnt know you are still there. Your pants wore torn a bit and so was your cape. It was your favorite cape too...

Guess you have to drop it off to kan's place to get it patched up. Maybe you'll stop by and drop it off later. Kan hated you but she cant stand it when your clothes are torn.

Eridan, you are getting boring, im going to do something else now

Wait! Are we giving up on this fanfic! We havnt had any real erisol moments!

Hell no, erisol is too good.

So what are we doing oh great narator?

We will do this...

Be the guy who just threw out the hipster fish==>

You are very proud of what you did. You hated the guy, but the look he gave you when he first showed up pissed you off. He looked happy to see you. You have a feeling he isnt black, but red for you.

You are wrong. You have to be. You have beem nothimg but a jerk to him and showed only black feelings.

Maybe he is flushed for you? Bullshit. That asshole is just trying to mess with your head.

You kicked his ass ten minutes ago. You look through your window and see fishdick just getting up.

Wait a minute... are you... Feeling bad about his cape???

No! I mean... you might be?

You dont fuckimg know how to feel about this bitch. God you need your moirial...

damn it you dont!

Yes you do.

Fuck you dont!

Why dont you want the guy to talk to his moirail?

Because i dont want anyone to know who it is.

Can we get through this chapter without you guys yelling at eachother!

Chapter? I thought this was a oneshot?

No, its not.

Then we will fight next chapter


No, you wont. You are ruinimg my fanfic

Your fanfic? Its our fanfic

Yeah, we are just you typing like we are three different people.

Third person has a point

Ugh. Lets just finish this chapter.


You decide not to talk to your moirail so we can let the readers become driven crazy over who it is (hint: not karkat)

Maybe you will talk to them later.

You watch eridan walk away towards kanaya's hive. This made you feel better knowing that, one, he is gone, two, he is goimg to get his cape fixed.

Wait, you dont give a shit about his cape. Or him... shut up.

It became dark and you coded a bit before passing out, for the first time all week.

Sorry about the fighting. I was arguing with my friends, aka, the voices telling me how to write my fanfic. I will keep them from fighting next chapter, also who do you think is Sollux's moirail? Tell me children... I want to know what you think.


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