Do you reelly want this Quadrent?

105 3 3

Be the cape-less seadweller==>

You went to your hive, a little upset that you have to wait for your cape to be fixed.

Why cant you get sol of your mind?! All you can think about his how cute is lisp is and how much you want to put your lips up to his... stop it! You cant think of him like this... he hates you... he will never love you.

You cant help it! You love everything about him! His lisp, his smile, his horns, his phionic powers... everything. Only if he didnt hate you so much you could have chance.

Forget about him, he laughed when you got hurt... is laugh is so- NOPE YOU ARE NOT GOING TO THINK ABOUT IT!

Ugh! Fuck it, you are going to see him in the morning.

Be the same guy in the morning==>

You wake up still in your clothes, you miss your cape.

You quickly get a clean pair of clothes on and rush out the door to kanaya's hive.

As soon as you arrive you knock and she open's it right away.

"I Asume You Are Here For Your Cape?"

"Yeah, is it fixed?"

"Yes, Come In"

"Thanks kan" she lets him in and grabs him his cape.

"Here You Go"

You hug your cape and thank her again before leaving.

You didnt want to, but your legs brought you over to sol's. You knock with out thinking about it.

Hey author, can we stop being eridan?

Why? I love Eridan

But maybe we should be kanaya

But she has no relevence right now?

I made a promise last chapter, dont fight. I have a plan

Be Sollux==>

Ugh. Ed knocked, what do you do?

Just fucking open it. Ok you regret that but it is too late.

"Hey sol..."

"Why are you here?"

"I uh...."

"2piit iit out fii2hdiick!"

"I wwant to tell you somethin..."


Eridan was getting quieter with each sentence he spoke. "Nevermind, sorry to bother you sol"

Damn it, now you felt bad. He was starting to walk away and without thinking, you invite him in. His face lit up "thanks sol!"

"Yeah, ju2t come iin dumba22." Eridan didnt hesitate to obey.

You let him sit on your couch. "Its a mess in here sol..." he said, slightly chuckling

"2hut up or go away!"

Eridan got quiet at that, sollux wasnt sure why he even let him in at all. He just sat next to eridan.

Be the akward feeling dude==>

Sol let you in? Why? Should you ask him? He is sitting close to you... does he know how close he is to you?

You think about your disire to touch his lips. God he is so cute... damn it! You need to stop thinking about it. His shoulder is against your and you feel your cheeks go warm and possibly purple.

Hopefully sol doesnt notice the blush. What if he already did? You hid your face in your scarf to try to hide it.

Should you do it? No... it would make things wierd... but his lips look so soft...

Damn it! You cant help yourself, but he hates you so much.

Ok eridan, just calm down he tells himself in his head.

"Ed, you ok? You've been hiidiing iin your 2carf for a whiile now..."

Did sol ask you if you are ok? Maybe you have hope that he doesnt hate you too much!

"Im fine... wwhy did you let me in..."

Sollux ignored the question amd tried to change the subject. You payed no attention and leaned over to him.

"Ed what are you doii-" you intrrupt him by putting your lips against his.

He stiffened at first, but melted into the kiss, even kissing back.

Did he...? Just, you shouldnt think about it. You are ruining the moment.

The kiss lasted about thirty seconds until sollux relized what he was doing and pulled back.

"Get out..." sol wispered.


"Ju2t go, now ed..."

You relucdently obeyed.

Leaving and walking home

Be the troll who just got kissed==>

Eridan just kissed you... why? Where you right? Is he flushed for you.

Maybe it was to screw with your head. Yeah...

Your face was a dark yellow, even after he left.

You felt... different...? You are pitch nothing else.

But that kiss was so sweet, so gentle, so perfect.

No! You cant be flushed for him!


Or are you really flushed for him?

Ugh! You need your moirail as soon as possible...

Ha, you still cant know who his moirail is. I made the voices fight less by listening to Gasoline and House of gold nightcore vocal switch 5000 times in a row.

Eridan has achived life goals, and sollux is confused as fuck.

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