Chapter 0: Change of plans

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"What did you call me here for, masters?" A calm young boy looks at his 6 "masters" seated very formally, a bit nervous for what was about to come. 

"We have come to inform you that you're going to have to take care of another one,"the one sitting at the far right says in a voice as loud as thunder. He scans the boy up and down, looking slightly displeased at him. 

"Oh great, another handful to take care of," the boy sighs to himself and plays with his grey hood. "Is it a girl or a boy?" he asks, praying that it was a female since he's tired of taking care an all-boy house which including himself.

The "master" on the far left smiles and chuckles. "I know what you are thinking, and yes, it's a girl," she says, the only thing visible on her and the others were the lower part of her face.

"Yes! Finally! A female!" the guy cheered and grinned.

The master next to the her hushed her from before she could laugh any louder. He clears his voice and speaks in a voice as smooth as silk. "She'll come as soon as the [request] is sent. You know how to write the request, right?"

"Yup! Too bad the previous role didn't open that request though," he says, not a single cheerfulness going away.

"Then, you're free to sent it when ever you want," the "master" in the middle replies in a voice as deep as the earth. "The address of hers will be sent to your computer shortly. Go back and tell those boys the good news. This meeting's over."

With just that, everyone in that room disappeared.

When the young guy opens his eyes, everyone was gathered in the living room.

"Good news, anything?" A guy with blue hair says with slight sarcasm.

"Yup," the young guy smiles. "Our new character is coming, and I bet you're going to love her."

".........................." everyone was silent until a guy with black hair stands up and says in disbelief, "A girl? And you're sure she's going to come for sure?"

"As sure as I can be," the young guy smirks. "Our dear (Name) is going to be in for a surprise~."


I'm horrible at Prologues so I hope this works.

The next chapter will come out soon!

The New Character [Anime character! Deres x reader]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن