Episode 1: An Email's Escape

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A little girl is curled up into a ball, holding her phone closely to her chest. Girls older than her laughed at her hysterically and made jokes about her. One of the girls, presumably the leader walked to the girl and handed out her hand with a smirk gracing her face.

"Give me the phone, girl," the bully said in a demanding voice.

"N....No!" The petite girl half shouted half whimpered as she holded onto her phone like it was her lifeline.

"I said, give me the phone!" The bully snatched the phone away from the girl and looked at the screen. "No! Give it back!" she tried to stand up but a line of bullies preventing her from getting to their 'Leader'. 

The leader sighed and shows everyone the phone. "Look everyone," she said with disgust, "she was seeing one of those horrible animes. What a nerd."

Everyone laughed even louder and made harsher comments and insults about the girl who looked like she was going to burst in tears any moment now. "Give it back!" she screamed.

"Hmm? Why should I, dear?" the leader taunted and deleted all of her anime photos. A smirk graced her face as she sees her victim screaming while crying loudly. "Well, I have no more use for you. Let's leave girls," the girl snapped her fingers and everyone left the poor girl alone.

The bully turned to her right and saw her friend. She was looking at the bullied girl with a sad smile. Her (eye color) eyes seemed to register thousands of thoughts at once but she saw one thing clearly, the remorse in her eyes.

"(Name) hun? Are you okay?" she asked her friend with worry all over her face. She treated (Name) differently since she was an actual friend, not her follower which she loves to command or taunt as well.

"H-Huh?" her friend turned around and looked into her pink orbs. An abnormal color but (Name) had grown used to it. "Come on, lunch break's almost over!  I want to eat!" she pretended like she was dying while muttering "food".

"Ok ok," (Name) sighed at her friend's childishness and walked to the cafeteria with her. She looked back one more time at the poor girl. She was whimpering while holding her phone like she just lost her life.

Glancing back, her pink eye friend had walked off with her followers. Typical.

When the coast was clear, she approached the girl. (Name) peered down at the girl and took out a packet of bread. "They'll probably take your food as well," she whispered loud enough so only the girl would hear. "Don't tell anyone I gave you this. I'll convince her to bully another person."

"W-what?! That's mean!" the girl semi yelled. (Name) widened her eyes and looked at her like she was an alien. "If this bread means that another person is going to get hurt, I don't want it," she looked at the bread hungrily but refused it strongly.

Envy was the only thing (Name) felt. No, it wasn't anger because of how rude the girl was. Instead, that made her respect the girl even more than she should.

"Ok, I promise no one will get hurt," she looked at the girl with more respect. "At least, for a while before she finds a new victim herself," she thought sourly. She placed the bread into the girl's pocket and walked away, not saying another word as she heard the girl happily munching on her bread.


"I'm home, mum," (Name) opened the door but no one replied. 'Oh ya, they are on a business trip,' that bitter thought made her frown. Putting that thought aside, she walked to her room and opened the door.

There, she were greeted with more than a few anime posters, figures and cds. It was any otakus dream but if her parents found out, it would be their nightmare. She would become a shame and failure to her family in this cruel town. Because she was just like that girl, a lover of anime.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2017 ⏰

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