Chapter 45.

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Everyone carried their way on into the Great hall, as Hiccup dragged his feet along. He huffed softly, as he sat down with the gang. They were all laughing away at memories.

As YN entered with Astrid, they both grabbed some food and sat down with the gang as well. It wasnt awkward. It was quiet around some subjects, but other than being asked a few questions, Hiccup just stared at his food, as did YN.

Fishlegs was sat beside Ruffnut, on the end, where Ruffnut had Tuffnut next to her two, and as usual the two were argguing, with Eret sad beside Snoutlout who was on the end. Oppisite him, was YN then Astrid, then Hiccup with a free seat...

Heather strode in, with her head held high. ''Hita guys!'' She exclaimed in a high pithced voice, earning a eye roll from YN. She took the seat next to Hiccup, as he trie to snuggle up to him, he merely ignored her. Which was noted into YN's brain.

''So, what are we all talknig about?'' She grinned lightly, as everyone shrugged.

''Hey! YN, your performance was amazing!'' Eret exclaimed with a grin on his lips, as YN chuckled. ''Nah, it was nothing. You should off seen us, when Hiccup-'' Hiccup widened his eyes slightly, as he glanced towards YN. Everyone quirked their brow. ''I - er. Yeah, You should of see Rian and I before.'' She chuckled as shrugged it off.

Astrid cleared her throat. ''Maybe we can all go flying out sometime? And congrats on the win YN! No one ever beats Hiccup.'' She laughed as the group nodded. 

''Yeah. Well done, m'lady.'' Hiccup chuckled, as YN blanked him still.

Ouch. He really had hurt, hadn;t he? Was the thought that crossed mainly everyone's thoughts.

YN laughed lightly. ''Sounds good. Where shall we all go?'' She questioned, as there were a few um's and mutters crossed as answer.

''I know.'' Hiccup shrugged. ''Where?'' YN spoke up, which was slightly shocking. She still loved him, but she couldnt show that... ''A land I discovered yesterday with Toothless... Named it 'gap.'' He grinned, as Astrid rolled her eyes. ''Toothless, I'm guessin?'' Which earned a nod.

That caused YN to laugh, as Hiccup and her looked to eachother... They connected. There was his sparkle. His sparkle. But, that was soon ruined as Heather had noticed and spoke up.

She stood up, and went up onto the stage. ''I have an announcment!'' 

Everyone stopped and looked towards her, as Hiccup quirked his brow at her actions. Heather grinned smugly, and watched everyone as she drew in a deep breathe, and held the ancipation of everyone.

''Hiccup and I are getting married!'' 

Those words... pierced YN's heart, she hitched her breathe, as her vision went blury with tears, she held her chest, as she watched her world rush around her. 

Hiccup rose from his set, sending the chair flying as he appraoched the stage a fast speed. Anger pentertrated his features. He was done. The was obvious. 

Everyone saw a new side of their Chief. They saw the Hiccup YN fell inlove and why she fell inlove with him. It was scary. ''NO WE ARENT!'' He practicually screamed. ''You're a manipulative, spoilt brat.'' Hiccup spat, and he stalked towards her, with nothing but hatred glinting in his eyes. No one had seen this side of him before. 

Everyone watched, with silence. ''We arent! I never kissed her! She kissed me, to hurt YN! You aren't to do this anymore. YN is a beautiful, kind, sweet girl. I love her. Not you.

  Hiccup continued ranting. ''You can't have someone, you cant force them to love you. Love is a special bod. Between two people who truly love eachother. and-''

He was soon cut off by Heather, who spat back. ''Why do you love her?!"

She hissed, as Hiccup cleared his throat. ''Why? Easy.'' He stated, as his eyes connected with YN's who watched in shock.

''She kind, beautiful, amazing, sweet, caring. She lights my world up, she lights everyone world up. Without her, I am lost. Without her, we are lost. Without her, Berk is not Berk .YN brings joy to all, to the dragons, to us, to me. She reunited me with my Mother, she brought back Cathy. She svaed my life. She saved My Dad. She saved us. I love her. I love the twinkle in her eyes, I have loved her since I was 10. I lost her when I was 15. I found her gain, and nearly lost her. I am not losing her again.'' Hiccup stated loud and clear, as YN ran to his side, and huffed him tightly.

''I love you too.'' She cried out. And released him as...

Heather smirked. ''She's all that okay. But...''

 ''Are you going to marry me, and save Berk, or marry her and watch them die in War?" Heather grinned as she looked at him, everyone looked astonished. War?! 

''Who is it Hiccup? Berk or Her?''


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