Wattpad challenge

191 5 9

The title says It all.

So theres apparently 10 questions I need to answer?

1. Longest book written.
Well there was one on my last account that I wrote and it was 35 chapters long... The grammar was horrible though so I ended up deleting it...

2. Longest chapter ever written.
Somewhere in the 4,000

3. Favorite book written by you.
I dont really have one yet. I mean, My last ones on my previous account were horrible, And the one I'm currently writing only has three chapter's posted. Then theres one im working on now that hasn't been posted, And I cant wait to start that up... Argh... I dunno....

4. Top three favorite books.
Escape, YuRiHa and He's My Son.
These are in no specific order. I love them equally.

5. Favorite Author(s)
DeathByShyKid and amarante7342

6. Least favorite book.
Stone Cold by DragonSlayerxx

7. Least favorite author.
Don't have one.

8. Favorite Wattpad Original Character.
Yuzuki Wakana

9. Least favorite Wattpad original character.
Miki whats her face from Stone cold....
I mean........ My last chapter explains it.......

10. Favorite Genre of books.
Naruto, Naruto OC's...

Yup. I nominate my two favorite authors for this challenge, And anyone who's reading this. (You don't have to. I'm not forcing anyone.

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