Chapter 1 ~ arriving in London

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Hi, authors notes will be in bold, and I will try and be clear as to when someone is speaking or thinking.
I will be attaching photos of Bella's (and maybe the others) outfits for each chapter.

Bella POV:

Its been five minutes since we've got off the train, and I've already managed to lose Lila within the large crowds. Oh joy. I've been to London many times, but never without parental supervision and never more than one night. This should be interesting.

Eventually I spot her red frizzy hair bouncing around as she frantically searches for me. I run over to her, almost tripping over my own suitcase in the process. Grabbing her hand I pull her out to hail a taxi. We make our way to our hotel, which isn't the fanciest, but we will make it work. After grabbing our keys, and settling into our rooms, a knock at the door startled me as I'm reading the menu for room service. I giggle to myself, knowing I can't afford that, and let Lila into my room.

"So" she huffs. "What's on the agenda for today?"

I sigh, knowing full well that she won't agree to what I had hoped we could do. "I was just thinking stay in the hotel and watch movies and then go out tomorrow". I look at her expectantly.

"Yeah... No" she states simply. Well, it was worth a try. "Maybe you and I could go do a bit of shopping, grab a couple of sexy dresses, heels and purses to match, ready for tonight" she squeals.

I shake my head, laughing. I knew that was coming, but this time I'm putting my foot down. I'm not putting myself out of my comfort zone, not just yet anyway. She has been trying to get me to go clubbing ever since I turned 18, but it just isn't my idea of fun!

"I'm probably going to go shopping tomorrow. You can join me with that, but I am not going clubbing. Pub, maybe, clubbing no" I look at her sternly, hoping I have made it clear enough that's not who I am. She sighs, but leaves the subject anyway.

"I'm off, call me if you need me"

"Wait, you're going out still?" I say.

"Well, yeah, I'm not into movies and tea" I nod understandingly. I can't expect her stay and do as I please, when I refused to go out and do what she enjoys doing. I watch her leave, waving a goodbye at the door. I nod a goodbye and sigh before falling back on my bed.

This might be a long day.

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