Chapter one, new faces and an old friend

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So this is a different version of the story, ghosthunt the unstable. only it will still have Mai and (new name) Nanako. It will also include the rest of the ghost hunt characters, and Noragami characters as well.

Third persons Pov

A lone girl sat in a wheelchair. She had long butterscotch hair that framed her pale face, accentuating her frail features. Her eyes a rich caramel, with slight bags underneath. Her lips a delicate pink, that tugged into a neutral frown. The room around her barren, lifeless, and dull, with little to no color; just brick walls painted over white, and a single row of slider windows bringing in rays of late morning light. The rooms only furniture consisted of a single white plastic table, and a metal fold-up chair. Everything seemed so black and white, the girls' wheelchair being the only pop of color in the room, the metal a striking electric pink that sparked in the light.

It was quiet, except the clocks rhythmic ticking. Time seemed to almost stand still as she gazed out the window, her eyes distant as if she were in a far away place. Shoes clicked against the hard floor, stopping momentarily, the door opened. In stepped a middle aged lady, her eyes a gentle green that crinkled at the corners when she smiled, her hair a light orange, brown with bits of blonde, her skin was lightly tanned giving her a healthy glow.

     She sat next to the girl, looking at her with a warm smile and a fond gaze. The woman was silent for a few moments, before she spoke. "Not much longer Mai, not much longer until we can go home..." the women reassured the girl.


     "Not much longer Mai, not much longer until we can go home..." Mrs.Nanako's voice cleared the haze gently pulling me into reality, blinking a few times I glanced at her from the corner of my eye. I already know the day is almost over, but it's not like I could tell her... I... I haven't used my voice in 3 years, when He left... The others slowly disappeared from my life, forgetting about me, tossing me to the side like a used tissue, and I couldn't stop them.

     I was fortunate to have met Mrs.Nanako, she took me in when no one else would... Honestly don't I deserve her, her kindness, her warmth, her care, her love, her attention, I don't deserve any of it... and yet she chooses too stay, too hold my hand and patiently guide me day by day her warmth never fading. I selfishly covet her love, her warmth, her care, because she is my world right now, my anchor to reality... I truly don't deserve her.


     Everything was a blur outside the car window, the buildings, the people, all fell behind as we drove forward. The rumbling of the car, the fat droplets of rain that drummed against the cars exterior, and the warm air blowing from the vents, was slowly lulling me to sleep. I leaned my head against the seatbelt, I looked forward to Mrs.Nanako in the drivers seat her eyes glued to the road as she carefully navigated through the rain. My eyes fluttered shut, and everything fell into darkness. 


     Dark... that's how I would describe what I see, just a dark endless void. The only light I could see were small blue orbs... souls, drifting endlessly through the void, like the seeds of a dandelion drifting in the wind. I reached out towards one, my fingertips brushing against the soft blue orb. Painful cold stabbed at my fingertips, black tendrils creeped up my arm, I tried to pull away but something wouldn't let go. The inky black slowly consumed my arm, creeping up to my elbow, just as it was about to spread further I was jolted awake. My breathing erratic and my heart thumping in my ears, where am I!? My eyes adjusted to the dim room, a familiar ceiling? Mrs.Nanako must've carried me to bed. What time is it? I turned to look at the digital clock on the nightstand, 4:10 A.M. 

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