Chapter two, what am I going to do now?

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Mai's pov...

     "Mai something happened," Yato spoke. I just listened for what Yato had to say. He sighed as he stood up and walked behind me, pushing me out of the room. ❤️'How could no one notice me leaving or the people with me, I don't understand.' As we left the classroom I could still hear the teacher droning on with the lesson. "I know this must be confusing for you as to why I'm taking you somewhere. I also understand that you have a lot of questions as well, I'll tell you but only when we've arrived at Kofuku's shrine.

It's was a long time till Yato and I reached Kofuku's shrine. That seemed to have doubled as a market square and house. 'Where are we? This seems so familiar but why or how?' I was pushed into a house, there I saw Yukine and a girl with short pink curly hair. There was also a large man with black hair, who is towering everyone here. He seemed to be the opposite of the girl with pink hair, she was so carefree, yet he seemed to be uptight and protective over her. Yukine just nodded at me briefly before I was glomped by the girl with pink hair. "Mai this is Kofuku-" Yato was cut off by squealing from whom he introduced as Kofuku.

'hold up this girl is named after the shrine or did I hear him wrong, is this even a shrine? I'm very confused. Yato still hasn't told me what happened like he said he would!' I tuned back in, I was no longer being glomped, in fact I am now alone in the room. I can hear faint mumbles of what seems to be a conversation in another part of the house.


"What are we going to do we can't leave Mai, especially  at a time like this" Yato said. "A time like what?" Yukine asked. Mai's caretaker Nami, the one that wheeled Mai back into the school." Yato said aggravated at his regalia's incompetence. "Yeah and?" Yato internally face palmed then said, "you saw her walk in front of a bus." "Oh you mean the crazy lady! yeah I remember her,"Yukine replied. "Don't call her that!" Yato whisper screeched. "What are you guys talking about?" Kofuku ask completely clueless to the situation at hand. The bickering between Yato and Yukine ceased, as they glared at Kofuku. Kofuku shrinked back, "s-so scary." Kofuku said in her chibi form. "Hey don't glare at her you ungrateful bastard!" Daikoku shouted at them both, well mostly at Yato.

Back to Mai's pov............

     'What is going on in there, and why did they leave me
Out here?' Mai wondered. Deciding to brush it off as nothing she just waited patiently for their return.

They soon all filed out of the room, only to see a peacefully sleeping Mai. "How can she sleep like that? When I can barely fall asleep on the ground," Yukine grumbled aloud. A tic mark appeared on Yato's head,"hey I try my best so don't complain," Yato said while pouting angrily. "Yeah what ever you say sweaty hands," Yukine retorted. Yato about to shout was kicked out of the shrine literally by Daikoku. "Shut it or you'll wake her!" Daikoku whisper shouted at Yato.

No one's pov...

     It was hours before Mai woke up. Yato, Yukine, Kofuku and Daikoku, were all silent for the time being. Patiently waiting for the moment when Mai would stir and wake up.
Three hours later Mai had finally stirred awake, lazily  blinking her brown eyes. Observing her surroundings, they were all sitting together in the same room they had originally wheeled Mai into. Nothing special or new, had been added, and or changed, in the dull sitting room, or at least it was dull to Mai.

Early release chapter will add more
Edited 11/5/17

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