.Six years later. Freind leads to more!

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Now age six-teen you've found out how to hunt, fight, and love wait no. Survive.
Ah yes better word.
All on your own.
All though you can't take all the credit;
A baby wolf came one day and brought you about ten to fifteen fish that lasted you a hole week!
You could see it didn't have a home so you let her stay.
You were twelve at that time and named her Eva.
(As requested by no other than Ava your wolf.)
And soon after found out she too, was a werewolf!
You became Friends from that point on.
She told you she ran because her brother got all mad because she told their hole pack he doesn't want a mate.
Their-for she didn't want to be their when he found out.
It was an honest mistake.
But if the ALPHA
dint want a mate, then their hole line of the wolf's pack would crash.
Their for she seeked out cover.
She picked up my sent and came with a warming present.
A hole lot of fish!!!!!!
Yum for me!
You tryed to share but you couldn't you wouldn't but you should have.
But luckily she didn't mind!
She even showed me a few tricks on hunting!!!!!
Yay me!
Any ways as the years passed we declared ourselves to be honorary sisters for the rest of our lives.
Oh yhea! And her real name  is Ruby.
And get this! Her wolf's name IS EVE!!!!!!!!
Anyways we hunt, fish, climb and even sleep together! We do everything except I never shift back into my human form.
But other than that, We're like twins!
Any way we were out on a stroll in the woods, when a wonderful smell hit my nose.
Pine and dew-drops.
You tilt your head then day
"I'll be right back Kay Rube?"
"Kay. But be careful!" was all she replied.
I ran like a bolt of lightning towards the smell.
I guess I wasn't looking at where I was going because I bumped into a back of a man crouched down.
The man turns around only to see you.
Whimpering rubbing  Your snout with your paw.
The man looks at you and states for a few moments before he shouted something that caught you completely off guard;
He lunged for me but I skidded away.
"Shift". He demanded.
You shook your head no.
He scared me.
He honestly scared me!
So I nugged my snout at his shirt.
He knew where I was headed with this so he did as he was told and slipped it off.
I took it with my mouth before going behind a tree, and shifting back.
It's been years but I managed.
I slipped on the over sized long sleeved grey shirt,
Your hands met where the elbow should be in the shirt
And it went down to your knees.
You were extremely tiny.
You were a 5'6
And he was about a 6'9.
You were vary skinny.
TOO skinny.
And TOO short.
You attempted to stand but failed anonymously!
You fell. You thought to fall to the ground,
But instead;
You landed in arms!
"Holy!" he explained.
"Your SO TINY!!!!!!!!!"
He just about shouted that last part!
Agjh. I croaked out.
I haven't used my voice in so long! Ugh!
"Lehgs no wahlk."
I managed to croak out the words. They were faint, but they were sure as heck their!
"Here." he spoke gently.
He picked me up bridal style.
And carried me off into the sunset.
(lol the end! NOT!)lol

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