
14 1 6

Leaving the cosines of the cafe I strolled back home with the rain pouring down and hitting the path like daggers. With only my black lengthy coat to shield me from the rain, I walked as quickly as I could to reach the comfort of my house once again.

I raced up the stairs and banged on the door waiting for a response. Soon I was created with the face of my mother hurrying me inside and greeting me with a warm soft towel to dry me from the rain. "How was Freddy dear?" Mother asked.

"A gentleman as always." I smiled in reply.

With her hand on my arms keeping the towel pressed against my dripping clothes she lead me into the living room and sat me on the cream sofa whilst she put on the fire.

"So you and him are very close now a days?" Mother asked creating conversation.

"Yes, I mean we always have been." I replied with a slight confusion to where this conversation was going.

"So are you two more than friends?" She asked as she came and sat down next to me and took ahold of my hands.

"No-we are not in a relationship Mother, we are just bestfriends-nothing more." I stressed the point of 'nothing more' because I could never like Freddy in that type of way.

"You know it's okay to have a boyfriend as long as your father approves honey and he certainly would of Freddy." Mother insisted.

"Oh gosh mother! Me and Freddy are nothing more than friends and that's all there is to it." I smiled, a blush rising to my checks.

"Okay dear, so did anything interesting  happen at school today?" Mother asked whilst playing with my golden wavy locks.

"Mr Franta assigned me to work with a student who is failing class." I responded.

"Well make sure you don't fall behind now too, can't have those grades falling miss." Mother assured me.

"I won't, don't worry." I assured her.

"So what's this student like?" Mother asked.

"We'll he is very tall, one of the mysterious kids who no one really knows nothing about. He's hardly in school and that's why I assume he's failing. And excuse my language mother but he's know as what's called a 'fuckboy'." I piled the information out listing all I knew about Calum.

"And may I ask whats that?" Mother pulled a confused face.

"They sleep around with a lot of girls." I replied.

"Oh goddess that's dreadful! Don't go getting involved with him. By the sound of things he sounds like he would be doing drugs!" Mother frowned.

"Of course not mother! Im only there to help improve his grades and that's all." I assured her once again.

"Okay why don't you go and have a warm shower and then go study." Mother suggested.

I smiled and stood up, excusing myself from the conversation and headed upstairs to my room.

As I reached my room I just wished my parents weren't so judgmental. Calum can't be that bad of a guy can he?

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2017 ⏰

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