Chapter One

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Ms. White, Ms. Ventana, Ms. Carlyle, Ms. Victoria, Mr. Green, Mr. Felix, Mr. Diggs, and Mr. Gales all sat down.

“Pleasant day for an auction I believe.”

“A cup of black tea for me please.”

“Mr. Diggs, clean your mess! This isn’t America anymore. Act like a proper man if you are to live here in London!”

“Ms. Ventana, I love your concern for me, but I really don’t need it.”

“How old are we? Is it not old enough for you to grow up?”

“How is your day Mr. Green?”

“Fine, fine Ms. Carlyle, thank you.”

All the elders talked endlessly, in a (mostly) quiet manner. Ms. White sat with one leg crossed over the other, trying to give an impression to all that she was a real proper lady. The only thing that brought her to this silly auction was that designer shirt. Something about it was familiar to her…

Mr. Felix stood in the corner of the room. His curly mustache and waxed black hair made him look quite evil. Although he was a man of trust, something, nobody knew what, was suspicious about him.

“Mr. Felix, it has been a long time. Good weather we are having, is it not?”

Mr. Felix snapped out of his trance.

“Ah, Mr. Green. Yes, yes, very nice weather. But what are we doing here in such a fine day, inside a cold auction house?”

“Well I’ve heard this was a very expensive blouse! It is a perfect gift to show my wife that I am rich enough for her.”

“Quite the explanation Mr. Green! It is too bad I am too poor to even dream on buying a $1,000,000 blouse for my wife. I am but a humble servant to help those who are rich to happiness.”

Mr. Green laughed with glee. “You are a great man, Mr. Felix. I hope you will soon fulfill your wishes.”

“Thank you Mr. Green. I think it is about time we start this auction, no?”

“Yes, but of course! Let us begin.”

Mr. Green shushed the crowd and sat in the front row.

“Well, I am certainly honored to see the finest ladies and gentlemen here today! Today’s auction will be for the one and only shirt mankind has ever spun out of a very affluent substance, GOLD!”

The people smiled with surprise.

“This blouse has been spun by hand with pure gold strings and silk, one by one for your excellencies. So, let us begin!”

Mr. Felix hit his table. Servants passed out the bidding signs and the bell rang.

“Who will start off this auction?”

Mr. Diggs held up his sign.

“1 million.”

“1 million! I hear a 1 million. Any more bids?”

Ms. Carlyle yelled, “1.5 Million!”

“I like these bids! Do I hear a 1.7 million?

Mr. Gales held up his sign.

“1.7 million, 1.7 million. Do I hear a 2 million? 2 million, anybody?

”7 million!” Mr. Green sat proudly.

“Any more bids? I don’t hear 7.5 million. Anybody? Going once, going twice,…”


Mr. Felix fell to the floor.

Ms. White

“Yes, yes. Of course. So you will do it for me, yes? Good. Thank you.”

Ms. White closed her phone and set it on the desk. She glanced back at her laptop.

“Ms. Miller, I do not have time for this! What is with all this nonsense? How am I what you think is the ‘next victim’?”

“Ms. White, I understand that you’re busy, but you are in danger. Who else was at the auction?”

“Ms. Miller, this is a waste of time! I will fax the list to you. Goodbye!”

Ms. White slammed the laptop. She wasn’t busy. The truth was she was scared. All this worry at age 42?! She turned on the TV.

“Breaking news at 9:00 am, another billionaire was reported to be murdered. Experts say that she was the 6th person murdered who was present at the auction. Again, she was wearing the same designer clothing as all the others when found. We will say more about it after this weather report. This is Brittney, live from London.

Ms. White panicked. She picked up her cell phone.

This is 911, how may we assist you?

“Yes, this is Ms. White, and I would like to hire some of your officers.”

This is the Billionaire Ms. White?

“Yes, Yes it is.”

May I ask your ID for proof?

“Yes, if you really need proof, I will send your boss to fire you! Very easy, since I have the money. Now send them!”

Ms. White slammed her cell phone onto the desk.

Her hand was shaking, but she didn’t show any fright. Was this all really about that shirt? Is she the only one that knows?

Ring! Ring!

“What is this number? Ah, it’s the ‘Miller’ girl again.”

“Hello? Ms. White, do you still not understand that the information you are keeping from me is putting you in danger? YOU are next in the murderer’s list! Act now or not even I can help you. Have you made your choice?”

“Yes I have. I hired 20 men from the FBI’s office. Please concern for yourself. Goodbye!”

Ms. White was concerned. How did she get herself into this trouble?

The rest of the different sections will be about the points of views from the different characters, like ms. White. What do you guys think? Should i finish writing this?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2014 ⏰

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