Part 1/1

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"Forgive me my love! I'm sorry!"


America x Reader-

(Y/n) sighed. All around her were couples sharing hugs, kisses, and chocolate. The sky was streaked with pink, because she had decided to watch the sunrise. (Y/n) lied on her back, thinking of him. No this wasn't your cliché girl likes boy, girl's lonely on Valentine's Day, boy asks her out story. She had a boyfriend and Valentine, but he was on a business trip in England. His name was Alfred F. Jones, and he had beautiful sky blue eyes that sparkles in the sun. His bright blonde hair had a small cowlick that made him look even more adorable in her eyes.

Her phone buzzed.

Al- Hey

(Y/n)- Hi Alfred~

Al- I really miss you

(Y/n)- Same here, especially today

Al- Yeah, it's so lonely and boring in England, it's always raining

(Y/n)- Yeah, doesn't it rain every day?

Al- Mmhmm, but every once in a while, there's a rainbow, and our bosses let us take a break and see it

(Y/n)- Cool, when are you coming home?

Al- I really don't know. Oh Ludwig's calling us to start the meeting again. TTYL~ Luv you!

(Y/n)- Ok, love ya Al~ Bye!

(Y/n) smile as she sat up from her blanket of soft, green grass. The sun had just risen, the sky still a bright orange.

~Time Skip~

It was late afternoon, and (Y/n) was tired from walking all around town, bored. (Y/n) walked to her shared apartment (pretend you have one if you don't). She expected the house to be empty, as usual, and it was. She plopped down on her soft mattress, ready to drift off to sleep. 

After a few minutes, though it seemed like hours, (Y/n) still lay in her bed. 'Why can't I sleep? I've been doing so just fine for the last few weeks?' She thought. 

Her mind started to wander, and it went to the one person she couldn't stop thinking about. Alfred. Even though he was supposed to be in England for a meeting only, they wanted to celebrate something special there too, so he had to stay. (Y/n) sighed, not wanting to think of-


The sound of the front door opening alarmed (Y/n). 'I haven't given anyone a spare key except Al, and he's in England. T-Then it must be...' She froze. There was a robber in her apartment. She took a frying pan, courtesy of Elizabetta, and crept into the living area. She spotted a figure and


She didn't knock him out, much to her surprise, but only hit him. HARD. 

"Ooowwww... (Y/n)? What was that for?" 

The figure looked up, and there was Alfred... 

"A-Al? I thought you were a robber!" She exclaimed, scrambling towards the kitchen. She held an ice pack to his head and shouted, "Forgive me my love! I'm sorry!" 

He chuckled, "It's ok (Y/n)... But you can only truly apologize with one thing..." 

She sighed, "What is it..." (Y/n) expected it to be free McDonald's or something.

"One kiss

The (h/c) girl smirked. She could give him so much more than a kiss.

Later (after some romantic stuff *wiggles eyebrows*), (Y/n) spotted something on the coffee table. 

"Al, what's this?" She asked, holding up a shiny red heart box. 

He laughed and scratched the back of his head, "Open it (n/n- nickname)!" 

She mock pouted and said, "Don't call me that!" 

His eyes lit up with laughter, as he walked over to her, "Smile babe! It's Valentine's Day!"

The box was addressed to the One I Love. She assumed it was her, because if it wasn't... 

Inside was a note that said, "(n/n), you're such a cutie :3", and it had lots of chocolate and roses. (Y/n)'s (e/c) eyes widened as she saw the gift. "Al... you shouldn't have!"

 She set the box down and glomped him. "If I didn't, you would've murdered me..."

 (Y/n) smiled and ran upstairs. "(N/n) where are you going?" 

"To get your gift!" She shouted in reply. She came back with a small booklet. 

The front said, "For you Al~" written in neat handwriting. Inside the booklet was lots of coupons such as, free hug, free sleep in day (but only if you're off~), and one where (Y/n) would pay for a meal less than $25 (she intended for it to be McDonald's) "Aw! Babe!" He said and held up her cheek and kissed her.


After the kiss, a question popped into (Y/n)'s mind. "How did you get home so early?"

"It only took 8 hours and 45 minutes!" 

"But I thought you were at a meeting!"

"Yup, but most of the others agreed that we should go home to our Valentine's. It was about noon when I texted you, and it was about eleven o'clock when I left to see you."

"Oh... then you must be tired! Go rest!"

"Ok ok babe..."

"And don't call me that!"

~Fin (LAND)

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